Friday, August 1, 2008

Heading for adventure

4.30 in the morning. Sleep escapes me, adventure
awaits. Daughter, granddaughter and I are off to
the farmers' market at first light. Love driving on
country roads as the landscape slowly emerges in
black and white, little by litte colour permeates
and grows untill it bursts in unimaginable glory
with the first rays of the sun. As in music, the gentle
build-up that soothes the soul rising to a fleeting
cescendo....thrilling, energizing and opening your
heart to tackle any challenge the day may offer.
The wonder only lasts a few seconds yet having
seen, felf and breathed it into our very soul it
strengthens resove, eases hurt and if you let it,
turns us into heroes.


  1. Thanks for your visit and comment on my blog, Arija.And I'm so glad it led me here. Your morning to the market and the awakening of nature sounds perfect. You have beautiful photography here. I love "Ghosts" at the bottom of your blog page-hauntingly beautiful!

  2. Beautiful post, loved your description of the wee hours. And your photos are amazing! Thank you for your visit to Terra Farmer--I'll soon be back again! Your roses are gorgeous!

  3. Thanks for visit Kanak, complimentary kindred spirits always welcome. Loved your dragonflies should you wish to see mine, drop me an email.

  4. love this post, and the photo is almost magical.

  5. Aah, this post with beautiful photograph fills me with peace.

  6. As always, simply magical Arija! Thanks . . . :-D
