Saturday, February 28, 2009

All Things Great and Small

The wonder of living things
great and small
some we know of
or not at all
that lurk in the murk
on sea floor and cave
the dragon's lair
or the curling wave
All creatures
all different
one from the other
the ant and the elephant
each one through the ages
developed their own special traits
man tries to clone
but God just creates

We name but the species by feather and bill

by cloven foot or porcupine quill

while God gives each one
in His kingdom the grace
to be perfect for that
one particular place.


  1. Lovely words to accompany your terrific shots...really makes you stop and think about the awesomeness and variety of nature...enjoy the weekend!

  2. Your words are as wonderful as pictures -- a perfect combination.

  3. The bird is beautiful, thank you for stopping by my site, come back anytime

  4. Enjoyed the combination of pictures and poem capturing God great world.

  5. I don´t like the ones who lurk in the murk.

  6. What a nice pairing of words and photos. all things have a purpose and in their own right are beautiful.


  7. Very nice poem and beautiful photos :)

  8. diversity, the best thing about nature. Well, that a breeze through a pine tree!

  9. How beautiful nature is! Thank you for this post! Have a nice weekend!

  10. The poem is lovely, even without the photo. With the photos, it is a wonder meditation

  11. I very very much love this post. I have felt this feeling everyday of my life.

  12. Great shots all.. the wave, tho, is my fav .. excellent captures .. and thanks for visiting my blog and leaving such a nice comment!

  13. Oh Arija..I really enjoyed this after a tiring day....Michelle

  14. Wow these pictures are beautiful and your words so fitting! The poetry is so lovely!

    Great to have found your site - thanks for stopping by :)

  15. Beautiful words, as always, exquisite photos, as always, and they are both always appreciated! It's always a joy to come to your blog, Arija.

  16. You have a wonderful way with words. Thank you for the kind and insightful ones on my blog.

  17. Beatiful words and I love the pictures too, and yet, and yet... I see God as acting through people just as through all the other animals, and through us has shaped the world since time imemorial. The new ways of shaping the world need not be bad if they are used with care and compassion, I think.

  18. Lovely poem! We are all so different yet the same. All part of the mystery and beauty of life. How are you fairing these days, my friend? I hope you are fully recovered. I am always glad to see one new post from you.

  19. Arija, awe yes, form follows function.... lovely poem...

    and is that a parrot?

    arija, I think I may have mis-spelled your name a few times... changing the J to a Y.. sorry...

  20. EB

    If only the new ways were used with compassion, unfortunately they are based on economic greed.


    Wellbeing is slow to arrive, at least my sense of humour is backand words no longer play hide and seek with me.
    Thank you for caring.


    Thank you for your kind words.

    The wolf was by my eldest granddaughter.

    Yes, it is one of our medium sized parrots, the 'Crimson Rosella'.

    Not to worry about the spelling, what's a letter or two between friends?

  21. Love that bird Arija! And are they words? Very interesting!

  22. I love this post!


  23. This is a wonderful post, the lovliest photos and such beautiful poetry. Always enjoy my visits here. I saw this over at David's authorblog and followed the link this time. Congratulations on being nominated Post of the Day.

  24. Beautiful post! Great words with lovely photos!

    Congratulations on your nomination at David's . . .

  25. Well deserved congratulations for being on David's Post of the Day. Your photography is beautiful, and your poetry even more so; very moving.
