Saturday, March 7, 2009


When very small
I used to wonder
whence we came
and wither we would wander
Now, having eached
a grey-haired age
I am neither
wise nor sage
The dreams I dreamt
the paths I trod
have led no closer
or nearer to God.

Please click on photo, it is worth enlarging!


  1. Wow, what a great sky. I like the wispy clouds and the silhouettes of the trees in front of it. Beautiful!

  2. Oh, but your photographs make me feel closer to 'God', Arija.

  3. A beautiful thought and beautiful photos

  4. Incredible sky and colors! And love your words -- might have been my own although I could never say it as well as you. Thanks for the beauty and the wisdom.

  5. Your photography is amazing. I really love the dream-like quality of this shot.

  6. Hmmm. What an intriguing little poem. The opposite of how I feel, but very thoughtful nonetheless... - and super pictures!

  7. Très jolies pâquerettes.
    Beautifull Daisy.
    And nice pictures of sky.

  8. These are beautiful photos, Arija. Somehow I doubt that you are 'grey-haired age', but you certainly have a way of bringing others closer to God.

  9. Yet following that dream path has certainly brought you closer to the Earth Mother Arija.

  10. the second photo is really worth enlarging. beautiful!

  11. Lovely shot and you write wonderful lines to go with them. :)

  12. Interesting thought. Yes, where do the roads lead. Do they get us closer, or just carry us away, or neither. Probably all three.

  13. What amazing photos and lovely words!

  14. Your photos are worth enlarging indeed! Thanks for sharing and your poem. You said you lost all your photos of Delphi! Such a pity, you may take mine if you want to. It wouldn't be the same of course..but still I can e-mail them.

  15. A beautiful poem Arija and very thought provoking. It is even more difficult these days because we are faced with so many challenges that we think we can overcome by sheer human effort. We don't learn our lessons well.

    A beautiful sky to illuminate the lovely poem.

  16. Happy Women's Week Arija!

  17. Beautiful silhouette and poem, Arija!! It is a long search for the answers isn't it? and just when we think we have something figured out, another wrench is thrown into the puzzle!

  18. Interesting, yes, I remember thinking as a young person that I could,.. and would (!) do it all,... now in my late 60s I know I barely scratched the surface of what I could have done. Your post makes me think. Good one.

  19. Daisies are the friendliest flower, don't you think?

  20. You have such wonderful thoughts to ponder on but what really makes me feel at awe is your photos... they are exceptional!

    I hope you are doing well...

  21. 2 semplici fiori, ed esse ci dicono quando è grande Dio.-
    Buona serata.-
    Bella foto :-)

  22. I love those daisies!
    But you have very beautiful pictures in your blog, in soecial those with skies and trees.
    Thanks for visiting my blog and for your words.


  23. Gorgeous photo - and lovely poem, though I suspect the distance is only an illusion.

  24. Pensive thoughts to go with an outstanding photo! I like the poem.

  25. I agree...Your photos and poetry are magic and some regard that as due to God..


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