Saturday, July 18, 2009


The night is still
no frog dares raise its voice
no insect hums
no leaf by wind disturbed
no lowing calf or sheep bleat
rends the tranquil air

What portend brings
this night so deep
what dreams may wake
and quicken?

The day at rest
and I at peace
the senses stirring
hushed night's dreaming

My head upon a pillow soft
nestles with eyelids drooping
slips gently by a dream caressed
into an angel's keeping

I roam a landscape often trod
not from this life remembered
in castle tall or by some brook
I move free and unfettered
faces feelings lovers lost
beckon, with smile remembered.


  1. Nice pictures!!!
    regards and good dreams...

  2. the fist photo is amazing! like from a fairy-tale!

  3. Hi Arija! These are fairytale pictures matching the dreamlike poem! Is it yours? Or Shakespeares? Have a great weekend.

  4. I really love the first photo in particular, Arija. The poem is really atmospheric and goes so well with the pictures. We have nights like this here in Giraffe World too.

  5. Those are beautiful photographs and I also love the poem.

  6. Arija, you are a poet for nature.

  7. Hello Arija. Your post today is stunning. I really like the sun rays.

    Pick a Peck of Pixels is my photo blog with a difference -- I am hoping you are the difference. For this blog to be famous and me written about in the Wall Street Journal like I was in the seventies, will require more than a couple of dozen hits a day. If 10,000 visitors leave comments then it is instantly famous and your comments are part of history. Lets Make History.

  8. Nature speaks to the soul with visions not often seen until one looks deeply into self.

    Amazing and beautiful photo and poetry. Thank you for sharing with us.

    The previous photos of the morning sun rise were spectacular.

  9. Beautiful words! Gorgeous captures!
    Love that first shot!
    Enjoy your weekend!

  10. Nice photo with the sunbeams lightening up the path.. :) And a very nice poem :)

  11. Wow, Arija, what stunning photos and your poetry is AMAZING. Thanks for sharing a beautiful post. (((Hugs)))

  12. That first photo is so mesmerizing,.. draws me right into it.

  13. Arija your photos are beautiful.

    More sickness in the family, so feeling overwhelmed.

    Thank you for your caring comments.

    Love Renee xoxo

  14. That's a gorgeous poem and a wonderful photo.

  15. My dear Arija! I am so tempted to keep you all to myself! Your poem is so beautiful and I think I see a landscape that screams my name!

    How are you today beloved friend and teacher?

  16. Thanks Arija for the comments! Yes, Chambord was not furnished that's why I had no indoor shots. The other one, Cheverny, is still inhabited by the marquis, who lately presented a TV documentary on Cheverny, according to miss Yves. I am sorry that I can't see it for I can't receive French TV.

  17. Beautiful poem and great photos to go with it. I love that first photo. It does look like it camae straight out of a fairy tale.

  18. A lovely poem. You must have really enjoyed your walk with the sun shining through the trees like that.

  19. This is beautiful! You can still fly after all, my dear :)

  20. wow!enchanted poetry.....we thinking same2same.........good arija.keep it up.......
