Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Nature Notes ~ 2 Domestic Ducks

Some new arrivals in the poultry yard have exhibited
some interesting behaviours.

We lost our drake so two more ducks entered our
lives because our g-daughters could not resist them
and of course a drake to keep them happy.

One of the new ducks herded the drake almost
immediately indoors hoping for a little privacy. As
soon as the other new duck twigged, in she went
chasing both of them out again and displaying quite
a bit of jealousy.

After we gave up watching, they must have worked
their troubles out or he at least had understood what was
expected of him. When my daughter brought up a bowl
of 14 duck eggs it was patently obvious how ducks had
come by their name...They are just sooo pro-duck-tive!


Spring has sprung and bigamy is in bloom.
Thank you Michelle for hosting this meme.


  1. You are so wise Arija.

    Thank you.

    Love Renee xoxo

  2. Ah, love this post and the ducks and your description! What a great chuckle for the day, Arija! Bigamist indeed! hee hee!



  3. lol! It's so funny to see jealousy in an animal...Sometimes we think we humans have cornered the market on things like jealousy.

    pro-duck-tive--very cute.

  4. Ha, funny post. Pro-duck-tive! I'm glad the ducks are keeping their drake in line.

  5. Cute! There a lot of ducks (and other water fowl) around the lake in one of our parks. When someone approaches, they come waddling up, but if you do not have a bag of food, they just stop and go looking elsewhere for a handout.

  6. Arija, You have given me a chuckle. I'm learning animal husbandry from you (or drake husbandry, so to speak...)

  7. Happy ducks leading happy lives! Ah, to be a drake.

  8. What a fun post. Love the shots as well as the narrative. Funny puns.

  9. I liked your pun...LOL... Oh Arija.. I love ducks and would love to have some and maybe a goose. Every since we moved here I have been in love with the waterfowl. That drake is going to be one happy fella....wink..

  10. You got ducks!!!!!! I wanna want them. I got heaps of leftover food, and want a duck to eat them, but the husband says no.

    Will post heaps of duck photos for you from my Western Springs Park. The husband says, what do you want ducks for? You get 100 ducks there.

    You see, I kept ducks when I was little.


    Hi Arija,

    I just sent you a comment, and I am doing this post for you. It must be season for ducklings.

    With lots of Quacks,


  12. I always wondered how the ducks got their name, pro-duck-tive, how educational. Nice post.

  13. Very interesting. You stay at a farm or some rural places ? Just asking.
    Well I am.

  14. What a great description of unfolding events!

  15. This is such a darling post! I love your photos and commentary! How wonderful for your g'daughters to enjoy these ducks! I'll have to make a poster for my classroom of ducks with your fun new word written across! "BE pro-duck-tive."

    All the best, Maria

  16. Ducks are very funny animals! My daughter has a drake who is the leader of a gaggle of about eight duck hens. He leads them out of their cage and delivers a speech every morning. They listen obediently and then go and find their nests to lay eggs.
    Lovely post!

  17. Makes me miss my ducks, cute post and good shots.

  18. LOL ducks are fun to watch. Your clouds photo are amazing.

  19. Nice to see so much pro-duck-tivity.

  20. These little ones look so good! They almost seem to enjoy being photographed!

  21. How funny! There's just something about ducks that always make me smile.

  22. Arija, you made me laugh with the line, "bigamy is in bloom"! I'm still smiling!
