Saturday, August 28, 2010

Shadow Shot Sunday ~ Walking on Roses

Scissor-cut profile of roses on the path . . .

I have no idea where or of what I took this but I like the
colours, shapes and shadows.

Enlarge if you like . . .
Click on the Logo and visit Tracy and a host of others at
HEY HARRIET for shadows galore!


  1. Lovely shots- I really like the colors in the second photo. Great post!

  2. Wonderful shadow shots as always, Arija! You always find the lovely ones! Hope you weekend has gone well so far and that you're feeling okay!



  3. The shadowy leaves are beautiful shadow art. The walkway is a broad canvas that takes the flowers, plants and shrubs and lets their shapes be 'painted' in beautiful detail. Nice captures!

  4. Wonderful shadow Shots photos - both are so good and I love the colour in the second one.

  5. Beautiful! Love the clearly defined foliage detail in the first photo! And the warmth background surrounding the second shadow creates a wonderful ambience!

  6. Very interesting. These shadows are perfect. Congratulations on your blog and thanks for visiting my blog.

    greetings from Roberto

  7. Nice shadows shots Arija. I especially like the second image. It almost looks like paper.

  8. I love the colors in the second shot. It is beautiful.

  9. the second one is perfect! happy weekend!

  10. Beautiful shadow shots...
    Happy Sunday!

  11. Ciao Arija :)
    mi piace molto la 2° foto... i colori autunnali in arrivo ?
    Buona giornata.

  12. These are great! I like the idea of walking on roses. I wonder if it has the same groove as walking on sunshine :)

    I really enjoyed your shadowy series from last week too! That Sam is quite the star!

    I hope you have a wonderful week!

  13. SEE The Painter In You
    Optical Illusion
    Me Heart :)

  14. Lovely shadows. I love the silhouettes!

  15. What a gorgeous, detailed shadow! Beautiful image!

  16. Love your shadow shots! The colours in the second are glorious!

  17. I especially like the second shot - the background color is very complementary to the shadow. Thanks for visiting 2zars!

  18. Wow! Does that second shot really jump off of the screen! Amazing!

  19. I like your shadow shots. The second one is so striking on that rust color.

    Thanks for inquiring about whether I've been unwell on my that's my world post about starting to walk again. I've had ongoing health problems for years following a groin lymph node dissection for melanoma that spread. Unfortunately heat tends to aggravate the lymphedema in my leg as well as the neuropathy but if I can make myself walk some I actually do better. This summer I've pretty much given up until recently and I do actually feel better for starting to go on morning walks again.
