Thursday, August 5, 2010

SkyWatch ~ Nothing Special

They look much better enlarged, just click on the picture!

A clear, cold winter's day adds luminescence to this simple
scene down our village street.

Any sky looks great once you get out of hospital.
A big thank you to all the gang at SkyWatch for hosting this meme.
The Logo lets you fly the skies.


  1. Such lovely skies and beautiful clouds! You do capture the great ones, Arija! I know how much you appreciate them. Have a wonderful weekend!


  2. Arija, So Glad you are feeling better and out to enjoy the beautiful sky..
    Take care, Gwen

  3. Looks like a peaceful day in the village. All skies can be appreciated, but with more joy when it's been a while seeing them.

    Glad to see you back here and hope you are feeling better.

    Yes, we are getting a bit of rain this monsoon and we need it.

  4. Hi Arija, these are lovely shots. I hope that whatever it was that laid you up in hospital, has been cured. I know what you mean about the any skies looking good when you get out. I really appreciated getting out and about after my heart by-pass op three years ago.
    Have a great weekend

  5. So happy you're enjoying beautiful skies and sharing them with us. Take care and have a great weekend.

  6. Nicely captured!

    Happy Sky Watch Friday!

  7. Beautiful sky photos

    Have a nice weekend, Bram

    seen on Sky Watch Friday

  8. Seems like the trees has no leaves are you in winter time? Great shot too!


  9. Hope you are feeling much, much better. These are beautiful clouds to greet you. :)

  10. Those are beautiful captures, skies were great thanks for sharing. Hope you a had wonderful weekend ahead.

  11. Those skies are beautiful.Take care of yourself,my friend.

  12. Yes, any sky does look wonderful once you get out of the hospital. Everything looks brighter and more beautiful. I'm glad you're feeling better.

  13. That deep bright blue against the clouds must have made you smile from the inside out... especially as you are feeling much better!
    ~ Maria

  14. Good to see you back up and clicking photos, you do have a lovely way of capturing pretty moments.

  15. Hello Arija - travelled here from Gauelyn's blog so I'm a first-time (but not last) visitor. Please add my get well wishes to those of your friends. I'll have to read your blog to "catch" up. ENjoyed the village and sky shots today.

  16. Beautiful! Winter almost sounds good, it has been so hot here.

  17. All skies are special to me, and yours are gorgeous even though it is winter. Have a super week-end Arija. Hope you are feeling well.

  18. Meravigliose queste immagini !!!
    Buona giornata.

  19. I can only dream about such lovely winter. I love that blue sky and beautiful white clouds.
    Have a wonderful weekend and take care of yourself!

  20. nice to see you are enjoying beautiful things! take care and stay well! lovely weekend to you and your dears! kri

  21. The sky looks beautiful to me and I know how everything does seem special after being in the hospital. Good that you are home to enjoy it.
