Thursday, June 2, 2011

SkyWatch ~ Wodonga Sunrise

Wodonga, on the Victorian side of the Murray River with
Albury on the the opposite bank in New South Wales. Both
cities are full of beautiful parks and gardens.

Just a few pictures for you of my sunrise walk after a night
in Wodonga. Our Motel backed onto this beautiful park with
a 1.26km walk around the lake.

The morning was chilly with frost on the ground and rising
vapours drifting over the lake.

It made for some spectacular light effects as the first birds
took to the sky

and a lone black swan enjoyed his breakfast.

It was an exhilarating walk and I circumnavigated the lake twice
enjoying the awakening wonders.

Another week, another SkyWatch, thank you marvellous SkyWatch
Team for this great meme.


  1. oh my goodness these are beautiful! so lovely to see autumn leaves and trees as we head into the heat of summer here!

  2. oh my god, there is fog in the air and white frost on the meadows! Beautiful autumn impressions! Have a nice weekend, Arija!

  3. What a gorgeous place, Arija! And your photos are so delightful! Love the colors, the mist over the water! Delightful place to walk! Hope your week is going well! Enjoy!


  4. Great pictures with the mist and reflections.

  5. Thank you for your birthday wishes. It is always a joy to hear from you.

    It is so strange for me to see frost on the ground when it is 97F here now.

    Hope you are keeping warm while I keep cool.

    I am also very happy that Bella and I are such great friends. She is a gem!

    Thank you.

  6. Wow! Those are amazing shots. You really captured the soft lighting and mist that autumn brings with it. You're enjoying my favorite season of all!

  7. Wow, what a mystical place for a morning walk. These images are Spectacular! Love the glowing fall colors that jump out of the soft fog. Amazing!

  8. Oh my goodness Arija, while each of these are so special, those bottom two of the Black Swan, are mesmerizing...just glorious warmth of colouration. What a very delightful walk this had to have most certainly been. Have a great remainder to your day~

  9. Fabulous collection of photos, the lighting is a beautiful touch to the views. Thanks for sharing with Sky Watch Friday.

  10. I say only: "Your skies!!!" They are amazing every time!! Thanks for sharing Arija!

  11. Stunning park!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  12. Such thick frost! And the photo with the lone swan in the misty waters is strikingly beautiful. Hope you have plenty of sweaters to bundle up in.

    Love to you.

  13. The reflections are stunning, Arija!

  14. magical mystical morning. these are beautiful shots.

  15. A delightful journey around the lake for the eyes and the soul. Thanks for sharing.

  16. Beautiful shots, the early morning light and the frost make for gorgeous shots. Love the scenery and your photos. Have a great weekend and happy skywatching!

  17. Beautiful sky shots!

    My Sky shots, have a great weekend ahead!

  18. These are really beautiful shots. Thanks for sharing them.
    Sydney - City and Suburbs

  19. These pictures are just gorgeous Arija. I love each and every one.
    I don't like to see that white stuff on the ground though. We had enough of that! Keep sending us those marvelous pictures and do have more good times.

  20. THe mist certainly add beauty to these pictures.Not that they needed that.

  21. What fantastic colors! A great scenery to greet us to see nature's beauty!

    Love the soft and shimmery reflection on the water.

  22. Absolutely lovely photos--all of them. Such a nice variety of beautiful settings. Lovely work. Mickie :)

  23. Absolutely lovely photos--all of them. Such a nice variety of beautiful settings. Lovely work. Mickie :)

  24. oh my God....wonderful shots

    how wonderful is the nature....

  25. What a fantastic start to the day! Just Perfect... and one with nature! Spectacular pic!

  26. Thank you for taking us with you on this delightful walk. We've barely started into summer and I already miss frosty mornings. I have trouble with heat so like to be reminded of cool days and the lighting in these shots is pure magic.

  27. Such beautiful misty photos...

  28. some wonderful shots from what must have been a nice walk

  29. Lovely set of images!! Love the mists rising-- creates a wonderful atmosphere. Kudos--

  30. Beautiful shots.
    We have black swans here, imported from Australia.
    Have a nice weekend.

  31. A sunning set of images. Very beautiful - great work.

  32. How beautiful...thank you for coming back. No,I don't do well in the heat at all, but it has cooled off so I feel better...but it is so nice to be able to be out in the nice....hugs...Michelle

  33. Beautiful photos...of Australia! Cold starts here now too but nit frosty yet.

  34. All are beautiful but the two shots at the bottom caught my attention. Gold is in the air! :-)
