Sunday, August 14, 2011

TODAY'S FLOWERS are MY WORLD ~ Spring has Sprung

Spring came early this year, these Snowflakes flowered
early in July and are now just a memory . . .

now I have pots and pots of Hyacinths in all the colours of
the rainbow . . .

the Bridal Veil has burst into bloom and is spreading it's
gentle scent.

Viburnum burkwoodii has such a strong perfume that it
is best enjoyed at a short distance.

Prunus blossoms are a boon for the bees as the

Almond trees are shedding their snowy petals on the grass.

This last week I have been speed pruning my 150 roses and
having to do a great deal of tree surgery on them as they
have been totally neglected over last three years. I am stiff
and sore and am not quite half way there but with these late
blooms that I have just pruned off, how can I give up now?

Luiz Santilli Jr. hosts this meme so hop on over to TODAY'S FLOWERS
and join in yourself! Just click on the Logo and you unlock a veritable flower garden.

Click on the Logo of MY WORLD to join in and show us what your world is made of!


  1. It is just so odd seeing spring flowers Arija when we are just going into Autumn. I wish I could smell them too.

  2. Hi Arija, happy Spring! We arrive in South Africa just in time for spring and return to East Africa at the start of autumn! Your garden is beautiful. Blessings, Jo

  3. Beautiful pictures! I would also like spring coming and not autumn :)

  4. wow, you get a beautiful spring! :)

  5. Your spring flowers are so beautiful. I love the variety in your wonderful garden.

  6. Schneeglöckchen, spring all around, beautiful!

  7. What lovely spring flowers you've gathered! You captured them beautifully!

  8. Exquisite flowers, Arija, and gorgeous captures as always! I wish it was spring arriving here rather than autumn, but every season has its own beauty! Hope your week goes well!


  9. What a wonderful set of flower shots!

  10. The beauty of spring,wow! Those roses are so pretty.

  11. Beautiful images....
    Wonderful to see your spring while the summer in the UK continues to disappoint.

  12. Happy, happy brilliant spring to you. The flowers are gorgeous and I can still remember the fragrances that were our own for the taking just a few weeks ago. The colour of those roses, is one of my favorites. Have an enjoyable week, take care~

  13. Such beautiful blooms!

    My share of flower, have a great week ahead!

  14. Você tem um jardim muito lindo, com lindas flores. Obrigada pelo seu comentário no meu post sobre meu pai.Todo segundo domingo de agosto, nós comemoramos o dia dos pais aqui no Brasil. É o dia de presentearmos e homenagearmos nosso pai. Abraços e boa semana.

  15. Gorgeous blooms. Love all the photos. You take good pictures.

    Have a great week!

  16. That's one beautiful spring in your garden, Arija!

  17. Lovely flowers, Arija! Your photos are beautiful.

  18. A very beautiful set of images. Wonderful photo work.

  19. Your springflowers are wonderful and what's more some of them will also appear in my garden next March, but first we have to face a hopefully not too severe winter.

  20. A post full of delight, so many beautiful spring flowers. Thanks for sharing them with us Arija and have a great week.

  21. Hi, beuatiful your photos, your blog too.
    The flowers are wonderful!
    God bless you!

  22. Beautiful post. Boom & Garyu of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  23. Spring never fails to cheer. Delightful shots.

  24. Lovely, Arija. I just ordered my spring bulbs but looking at your spring garden makes me want to order more.

  25. I'm looking forward to fall which is my favorite time of year and yet looking at your world bursting forth makes me miss the emerging blossoms. :)

    Love the rose image - its lovely!!

  26. So strange that you have spring and we have autumn...Your flowers is beautiful, it is allways so nice to see them after a long wintertime :)

    Have a nice day!

  27. I have a clump of snow drops, but for us, spring is a long way away, So much snow, even a flurry in Auckland.

  28. Hi there - I was in Hobart this weekend and it was not spring!

    Sad news from other parts of the world.

    Cheers Stewart M

  29. Hello Arija! So nice to see you visit the blog!! How are you doing, my good friend? Your flowers are beautiful!! Spring is so pretty!! What wonderful blossoms!! A burst of colors... I love it. ♥

  30. Beautiful flowers and wonderful photos. Spring is so much fun for the photographer. Thanks for sharing.

  31. Great shots of spring, and good work on the roses & trees--it really pays off in the beauty of your garden.

  32. Gorgeous flowers, and I can smell those fragrances from here.Now I am truly envious Arija. We are fast loosing daylight each day, just one of the many reminders that our seasons are leading into winter.
    I need you to sometime tell me what can do with my lovely rose hips.
