Saturday, December 3, 2011

Weekend Reflections - Looking in the Mirror

Recently while in the big smoke, I stayed in a super apartment
with my nephew and niece-in-love. As I looked over the balcony
just after the sun had risen and was illuminating our side of the
street, I was surprised to see our replica in the windows of the
uninspiring building across the street.
A lone smoker was enjoying a cigarette in the cold morning air -
smoking in public closed spaces is banned in Australia.

I tried to get our whole house in but did not have a sufficiently
wide angled lens

and opted for a quality vignette instead.

Thanks to James at Weekend Reflections who hosts this meme.


  1. header photo: my mum had 2 kettles like yours. One is blacken from boiling water ovrt a charcoal fire, the other is in its original stage. We always drank boiled water. So after the water is boiled in the blacken kettle, it is transfer to the clean one.

  2. Interesting pictures. Only a true photographer would see these images.

  3. What terrific reflections for the day, Arija! Marvelous captures as always! Picture perfect they are! Hope you have a great weekend!


  4. I think you have made a jolly good stab at this Arija.

  5. nicely done. the man looks a bit glum out there on his lonesome. :)

  6. I like these reflections. Your Skywatch shots below are spectacular, sunsets like that are so rare.

  7. This is a good one Arija.
    What a cool catch!
    Sunny today uplifts the spirits.
    I'll write you.{{HUGS}}

  8. Such a lovely reflection and no worries about being a bit absent ... loved ones always come first.

  9. Lovely reflection ... and no worries about being absent lately. Loved ones always come first. Have a beautiful weekend!

  10. These are really interesting. Almost looks like paintings on a wall instead of reflections.

  11. Mirror mirror on the wall, who's the most wondrous photographer of them all? No, don't tell me. I know who it is already.


  12. How fun that is -- looking in that giant mirror at your "house". I love these pictures.
