Sunday, January 29, 2012

TODAY'S FLOWERS - Farm Flowers

The weather has been hot and in the heat the agapanthus
come into their own.

These are flowering at our gate

and these along the driveway

and on the road near the gate a young Eucalyptus ficifolia
is opening it's first blooms after ten years of growth.

Many more flowers are tucked in behind the Logo on my side bar.


  1. Amazing flowers. Hope your day will be wonderful.

  2. Wonderful flowers that have flourished in the heat.

  3. Lovely flowers, Ariija! They make me long for spring. Happy Sunday!

  4. Exquisite flowers and I love the blue ones! Glad that they seem to thrive in the heat! Lovely captures as always. Hope you have a good week, Arija!


  5. Love the blue ones - it is a color not seem much.

  6. Your blue flowers are so delicate and beautiful, you could find blue also from my photos today but all other things they are quit different .
    Winter greetings to you, Arija!

  7. Beautiful flowers. Agapanthus grows in California too, and I always loved it (especially blue one), but didn't know its name. So I'm going to write it down before I forget.
    Have a lovely day!

  8. I have flower envy, Arija!

  9. Love the last one!

    Crab Apple, please come and see it's beauty.

  10. How perfectly lovely. Makes me homesick for spring and summer here.

  11. Wow. Just once I saw a pink agapanthus, but have never seen one for sale. They are a spectacular massed bloom as you have them. The gum is glorious. Thank you.

  12. Oh I love that Eucylyptus. Wow. Wonderful summer.

  13. I love agapanthus! Beautiful blooms. I love your colorful world. xoxo

  14. Arija...just gorgeous.. love all the bright and delicate colors ...very cheerful !

  15. Oh i love them, i have been infatuated before with those blue agapanthus but plants i secured in the past from outside the country didn't grow well with our hot climate. In yours it is maintaining itself just like our red-orange amaryllis.

  16. They are there anything happening with the goose and gander?...

  17. WOWOWO! These flowers are beautiful especially the ones gracing your driveway!!! Thinking of you. Tsup!

  18. I tried growing Agapanthus - no luck. Instead I'll enjoy yours.

  19. Sveicināta, Ārija, Jaunajā gadā!
    Ai, cik skaisti, mīļi attēli šajā un iepriekšējās ziņās. Tik labi tos skatīties, sajust, ziedu un koku smaržas, sadzirdēt putnu skaņas, vērot vasarīgās debesis. Viss kā pasakā šķiet.
    Tagad, ziemā, es priecājos par attēliem Jūsu blogā un citu silto zemju iemītnieku blogos. Man ir jāatzīstas, ka es nemīlu ziemu un aukstumu. Bet ko nu tur... jāpārcieš... esmu jau domās aprīlī, kad mums te Latvijā plaukst koki, zied narcises, hiacintes, tulpes. Šobrīd esmu jau iepirkusi sēkliņas, pēc kādām dienām jau sēšu tomātus un audzēšu stādiņus. Tad vasaras puķes... Un tā pavasaris jau arī būs klāt ar savu jaukumu...

  20. Having just come from a cold and snowy canyon your blooms brighten my evening.

  21. I've just stumbled across your blog and I am stunned at the loveliness I see, particularly those agapanthus!! I have some but they were transplanted last year and didn't do well. Time to pamper them a bit this year in hopes they'll do their thing!! I'll be following along.
