Saturday, March 10, 2012

TODAY'S FLOWERS - from John's Shade-house

On Friday we went out for lunch with our dear friends
John and Bev who, 26 years ago, established the Murray
Bridge and District Orchid Club. It was a great pleasure
to wander through their shade-houses and see that even now,
in the off season for orchids, they still have an array of
wonderful blooms.

The oddest plant I have ever seen is this Ceropegia ampliata,
that also has a somewhat rude common name which I leave to
your imagination.

Keeping to the same colour scheme, don't you just love the
little curls on this orchid?

God willing, I'll show you many more orchids next week.

If you haven't posted on TODAY'S FLOWERS yet, get on with it,
show us what you've got!


  1. What exquisite flowers, Arija! And your captures are breathtaking! Hope you've had a great weekend!


  2. Beautiful,even with a name that is best left to the imagination.

  3. Orchids are such unusual flowers, so different from each other.

  4. Truly beautiful - both the colours and the form. Orchids have to be one of the most varied plants. Thank you for these.

  5. Love loooking at orchids though I've never had the skill and patience to keep them alive.

  6. Beautiful! I love that orchid shot.

  7. I love the way that orchids manage to flower even when they should not be flowering. I went round orchid houses in Madiera some years agao and the off season orchids were spectacular.

  8. Very nice photos.
    I especially like the last one.

    Regards and best wishes

  9. Wonderful shots of the orchids.

  10. Lovely shade of green. Green flowers are so rare.

  11. Those are beautiful orchids, and great shots of them. The temperature in the lava tube was cooler than the outside air, as lava hadn't flowed through it in decades.

  12. Oh I do remember that you so enjoy Orchids and these are so lovely. I especially like the last image... breathtaking! Have a very sweet week Arija, take good care~

  13. How beautifully exotic! I love orchids because they are my forbidden flower. I have killed so many of them. :( I anxiously await to see more photos!


  14. Lovely, beautiful photographs! Orchids are usually stunning and often brazen too like these. I grow them on my north facing windowsill and they always seem happy there. Orchids were one of the inspirations behind my second novel The Orchid House as I was fascinated by the way people can become obsessed with them and by their symbolism.

  15. Of course I LOVE Orchids, and you've showed me 2 I have never seen. There are so many wonderful ones. Can't wait to see more.

  16. I have a lot of imagination, LOL, I have not see this. I thought you stuck the "things" on bamboo stems.

  17. Wow! Wonderful. What a neat thing your friends did and how lovely those orchids are.
