Thursday, July 19, 2012

SkyWatch - A Moment of a Sunrise

The cold of winter brings joint pains with it, so this none too
happy bunny, is posting just one moment of a magical sunrise
at Wilpena Pound in the Flinders Ranges.



  1. What a magical moment it is Arija .... well worth the early rise.

  2. Ah Arija I empathise with you and the aches! But you blessed us readers with the most GORGEOUS sunrise over and above that. Keep well my friend. Blessings, Jo

  3. such a gorgeous...and definitely magical sunrise...has to ease your pain at least a bit...sending warm wishes in the hopes of your feeling better!

  4. Wow, that is a richly colorly sunrise. Nice shot ... Thank you for your link on the wrens. I learned something and it reminded me that I did have a Carolina Wren spend the winter at my feeder a few years ago. I actually bought meal worms for hin because the seed was not enough ... and he made it through the winder:). I have also seen the cactus wren in Arizona. So thank you again ... come see me anytime.

    Andrea @ From The Sol

  5. I love these kinds of clouds Arija. We do observe some like that here mainly before a storm. Take care. Sending you some warmth for those aching bones...

  6. It's very beautiful and I hope your joint pains feel better.

  7. A magical sunrise it is indeed, Arija!! We're having lovely weather, but my knees still complain, so I do relate!! Take care and I'll try to blow some of our weather your way!!

  8. Do agree about cold weather bringing out the worst of our aches and pains, Arija - one of the joys of getting on in years. Beautiful sky to cheer us both up though.

  9. WOW!!! The clouds are beautiful!

  10. I'm sorry to hear you're hurting, but this gorgeous sunrise will brighten everyone's day.

  11. Hi Arija...This photo is stunning!! The colors are gorgeous!!

  12. Beautiful sky and I love the color too.


  13. What a beautiful sky,Arija!Great shot!Have a nice weekend!

  14. Wow, that's an amazing sunrise show. I wish it was winter where I live.

  15. Beautiful colour!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  16. Keep those joints warm Arija, the winds lately have been icy-cold.
    The sunrise you've featured is beautiful.

  17. Arija this is so beautiful,only one picture is needed.

  18. Lovely sunrise, I am sorry you are not feeling well. Arija, take care and happy skywatching!

  19. Yes it does so I should stop complaining about the heat..I had a wonderful visitor to my yard today and I was happy to meet her...hugs

  20. I suppose as long as you can move the shutter finger there is always hope!!

    What a great sky.

    Stewart M

  21. Gorgeous, gorgeous sky!!! I do so hope that you spring about and hop right out of any pains you are having my friend. Blessings your way...can you feel them;')~

  22. How pretty!! Mornings are my favorite time of day!

  23. That's just beautiful, thank you for enduring your aches to capture and share it with us! It brings back memories of sunrises I enjoyed when I lived on the side of the mountain, before moving to town last year.

    I hope your weather warms and your aches ease! (I wish I could send you some of our heat, we've got more than we need!) :-)

  24. Gorgeous sky! We don't see that kind of sky nowadays as we have rain in the later afternoons till the evenings.

  25. Sorry to hear you are "under the weather" (pun intended). Love this sky, Arija! Nicely captured.

  26. Hi there - a metal boat and a zoom lens are rather handy when you are photographing crocs!

    Stewart M

  27. Gorgeous photo Arija. So sorry about your joint pains. Hope you feel better soon.

  28. Gorgeous -- thanks for running outside and freezing your fingers and for sharing the perfect moment -- your timing was good. I hope your joints warmed up quickly when you got back by the fire.

  29. Aqui no Brasil também passamos pelo inverno agora. O sol é sempre bem-vindo, pois alegra a alma e alivia as dores do corpo. Linda foto!

  30. That is a breathtaking sky--what an awesome capture. Sounds funny to hear about "winter" and cold weather when the temperature here is over 100. Mickie ;)

  31. You take wonderful pictures, and greetings from Amish country folks. Richard

  32. Dearest Arija, I am so sad to hear that things are so difficult for you right now! How selfish of me to want your attention! I hope that things improve swiftly and that you can find the strength you need to carry on. Mom and Alexis are doing very well and it is so sweet of you to pray for them. It is much appreciated. You are in my thoughts and prayers as well. Take good care of your heart!

    Your photo is exquisite as always. I hope you have more days of sunshine and more days of hope ahead. I pray that God sends you a special bird to bring a smile to your face and joy to your heart!

  33. such a magical sky!
    sending light, wanting you to feel wonderful!

  34. Looks like you left the genie out of the bottle, Arija. Hope your joints find relief soon.
