Thursday, May 2, 2013

SkyWatch - Fog

Early morning, I wondered why the sun was still abed,
one look out the window and I levitated out of bed snatching
at my camera 

the paddocks softened by the scattered light

down the hill, the houses were fading away

but up the hill, the blanket of grey grew ever thicker

until it gobbled up the trees and shrubs and ground and 
indiscriminately hid the sheep and kangaroos . . .

as well of course, the sky.


  1. So moody, so lovely, so pretty! Skies like this still inspire, and I would add in a cup of tea and a scone and just watch the gray rise;') Hugs to you my friend!

  2. Great fog shots! Wonderful ~ Glad you know how to 'levitate' ~ enjoy ^_^

    thanks for your comments.

  3. Fantastische Stimmung, auch hier in Riehen bei Basel sah es heute so aus. Herbststimmung pur, obwohl hier eigentlich Frühling sein sollte.

    Vielen herzlichen Dank liebe Arija für all Deinen wunderbaren Kommentare zu meinen Fotografien...

    Umarmung und Grüsse aus der Schweiz


  4. Hope it brought a bit of moisture as well as a beautiful sight.

  5. Lovely, soft way to begin a day, Arija! Such beautiful captures, as always! Have a lovely weekend! Enjoy!

  6. I'm not generally a fan of fog but you make it beautiful...

  7. Beautiful images, enchanting light!
    Love fog, as long as I don't have to live through months of high fog hiding the sun.

    Big hug,

  8. Great shots, fog and mist can be spooky sometimes, I remember going for a walk one morning a while back and the fog was so thick I could hardly see.

  9. I love the moody skies and the early morning fog. Such pretty scenes. The first shots is my favorite, but they are all great. Happy Skywatching!

  10. This is really so beautiful. I love your landscape! FOG! We don't have this here very often:)

  11. Fog makes for such mysterious shots Arija. Love them!

  12. Oh, I like fog, a soft blanket that wraps around everything. Lovely captures!

  13. Still beautiful! And hopefully a little moisture for the fields and flowers!

  14. The way you resented this series and spoke of them, I felt I was there with you discussing the changes. Lovely minute by minute replay. genie

  15. Behind the mists there is a whole unknown world, which makes you wish to see and yet ...I like it to be hidden for a bit longer.
    Thanks for your comment. Yes Beatrix was tired after her 33 years reign. She still bears the grieve about her second son who had this skiing accident for more than a year ago. He is in a hospital in London.He lives, but is in coma. It's terrible.

  16. I especially like the combination with the redish brown on the top shot.

  17. Love the photos, very beautiful and atmospheric :)

  18. Good day to you Arija, these are beautiful foggy pictures. I love the early morning fog, puts a silence over everything that is magical.

  19. Oh........fog is my favorite weather phenomenon. It's so beautiful and so very 'quiet'.

    ps...LOVE your honeyeater images below this post, I'm late in getting around to visit this week.

  20. You do! You make my heart sing. You make it hit all the high notes, can't you hear it??? Ah, Arija, how I adore you. I would even share my chocolate and tea with you, and that's saying a lot. :)

    I love fog. So mysterious. Sometimes I love fog even more than sunshine. It leaves more to the imagination. A while ago, I read about a study that said being out in nature elevates your mood, especially for women. Well, coming here and seeing all the nature you've captured makes me feel comforted and serene. Happy. xoxo

  21. Still beautiful ... the mist makes the shots mysterious :)

  22. so lovely to see your soft photographs

  23. We have not had a foggy morning yet - must be too dry.

    Snow trips are planned - but there is none on the ground at present.


    Stewart M - Melbourne

  24. Wonderfully misty shots.

  25. What a beautiful foggy morning. I love fog as long as I don't have to drive anywhere.

  26. Not only is the morning fog magical & your images wonderful, but your words are poetically beautiful!

  27. Love these misty images as well as your fine words!
