Thursday, October 23, 2014

SkyWatch Friday - "The moon at night is big and bright . ."

A beautiful full moon at Wirrialpa Station

we were tempted to howl at it
but curbed our enthusiasm for fear 
of upsetting the farm dogs

no wonder primitive people were frightened
when they were robbed of the light of the full moon

even for us it was mildly eerie
watching the eclipse.

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  1. Fantastic!! And, yes, I'd want to howl at that moon, too!! Have a great weekend, Arija!!

  2. Beautiful shots especially the top one; thanks for sharing my friend. =0)

  3. Amazing shots and I love the commentary as well. Nicely done.

  4. You were at the perfect place to witness it. I'd have liked to hear that howl, Arija!

  5. Seems the desire to howl comes from our Pleistocene souls. What a delightful night.

  6. An amazing cap for a perfect vacation. I'm in awe of your pictures and a tad envious that you saw the eclipse. I couldn't stay up ... It was around three a.m here. Thank you for sharing.

  7. Great to see these things. Our farm dogs used to howl on moonlit nights without any human encouragement; in fact, despite a good deal of discouragement. Most astronomical wonders are usually hidden by clouds in this country.

  8. Wow - what a gorgeous sight!

  9. Great shots. I was singing along to that song we stared the words of.

  10. Great moon images. And that first photo, I love the surroundings.

  11. Love the sense of tranquility in that first shot - the colours in the sky are so soft!

  12. Oh wow, I love that last capture!

  13. Had to laugh at your comment about howling at the moon!! Very cool.
