Thursday, January 22, 2015

SkyWatch - Last night'd sky

This week the skies have been pretty ordinary,
uniformly grey or blue.

Last night we had this tiny touch of colour . . .
if you enlarge it you may see some interesting 
tints in the pink cloud

Linking with SkyWatch


  1. Beautiful.Each sky scene has its own beauty.

  2. So pretty!!! Looks like the sky was lightly painted with a brush dipped in pink :-)

  3. And that little touch makes a lovely difference! A lovely capture, Arija, as always!! I hope you have a great weekend!! Enjoy and do something special just for you!!

  4. Pretty indeed. I have a weakness for galah coloured skies.

  5. Nice shades of pink, the sky seems to be blushing. :)
    happy SWF!

  6. The two tone pink is so very lovely. Yes. We have had some ordinary grey skies too and heaps of strong winds. yesterday and today, for a change, we have had some blue skies of summer.

  7. The pink is pretty, lovely sky capture. Have a happy weekend, Arija!

  8. Olá,

    Linda foto, eu gosto quando o céu esta laranja!

  9. I saw some of that same pink at dawn this morning, Arija - I think maybe it was colder here than where you are though!

  10. Every sunset brings a different kind of gift, sometimes blazing and other times subtle, but always beautiful.

  11. Lovely sky. We had so many gray skies then we had 4 days in a row with very blue and lot's of sunshine and even temperatures in the 60's. This morning back to gray with snow. Have a wonderful week. Hugs Arija~

  12. Pink skies are always a gift and there are lovely tones in this one. At this point in your summer, I think I'd be perfectly happy for boring skies!

  13. Wunderschön! So ein zartrosa Himmel hat schon was!

  14. Enjoy your lovely summer and garden, the strawberries look great, Lipstick? I love summer and take it really hard when fall and frosts come, so last summer I made a list of things I didn't like about summer to try to be more accepting of fall, dragging hoses is one of them. Do you get any summer rains there? I live in a wet/dry season system so don't get water in the summer and have to do all my watering with hoses.
