Thursday, January 22, 2009

A Footnote to "Thoughts of Spring" (Below)

Click on picture to enlarge.

We are currently in our sixth year of drought.

All this to you may seem euphoric
but be assured, it's just historic
no blade of grass, no bird nor beast
can find a crumb, much less a feast.

Where all is dry and sere for years
the land is crying with my tears
the trees are dying where they stand
and drought grips hard upon the land.

The dams are dry,
the gardens dead
we wonder how we'll get ahead
when all there is to eat is dust
yet somewhere, sometime rain it must!


  1. Very powerful words. Hope you get some rain. For something more uplifting, take a look at my post for today. A very wonderful story about a very wise little boy.

  2. very well written! It describes exactly how the situation is! I f only we could send you some of our rain!

  3. Nosūtu gabaliņu Latvijas ziemas tuksneša atveldzēšanai ;).....
    Paldies, ka apciemojāt manu (iesācējas) blogu!

  4. We had a drought a few years ago but not quite as severe as like in your before and after photos. We came out of it and last year we had record rainfalls for this area. Maybe that'll happen for you too.

  5. From a rather wet UK commiserations for such a long drought. The pictures are very good and the poem is fantastic - together they say it all.

  6. I hope you get some longed-for and needed rain, and soon!

  7. Very poignant words and pictures. I hope you get some rain soon.

  8. I hate draught. Someone needs to do a rain dance! If only Danny Kaye were around.

    Lovely poem.

  9. Oh gosh..the photos and prose..haunting and sad and here I sit with all this snow....

  10. Sending thoughts of merciful rain your way. Hope it rains soon.

  11. The two pictures together with the verse tell a sad story.Hopefully the end of drought is near.

  12. ohhh.. what a change.. When will it end?

  13. I live in Florida and we too have had droughts. It is sad to see and can be very devastating to every part of the environment. :(

  14. Yes, I love your versification again!

  15. This is just do you stand it? I wish I could send you water!

  16. I can't believe it's been 6 years. Not a drop of rain? I'm a new visitor to your blog and I remember when we lived in Belize, we had no rain either, and had to purchase it, as we couldn't bathe. Horrible feeling.
