Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Sent Back Once More

Back fron the gates of shades I come
wolves howling at my heels
I do not hurry, flee or run
they send me back
my day not done
The wolf is my companion
my guide and my protector
my journey yet unfinished
my work not wholly done.
Wolf detail from painting by Yasmin Flint.


  1. Is it obscure the thoughts of wolves makes me all warm and fuzzy?

  2. Very beautiful and moving painting and I LOVE the words you wrote to go with it. Have a nice day:)

  3. Oh my, what beautiful words to go with the wonderful painting. Thank you for the visit, Arija

  4. Beautiful words Arija! I hope all is well. I am thinking of you.

  5. Hi Arija...have spoken to my sister tonight and she said she is going to talk to someone from the spinners and weavers in that area tomorrow!


  6. There is something about wolves that touches my heart. Don't know quiet well why, but I feel safe at their thought. Beautiful prose and thoughts. I hope you are doing well and rain is on the horizon.

  7. This must be work by one of your grand daughters.. There is so much talent in your family.. lovely poem to compliment... Beautiful!!

  8. A lovely painting and words to go with it!

  9. First it looks scary but your poetry dissolves them all...Beautiful :)

  10. The wolf is my native American totem. This is an amazing painting..

  11. Beautiful painting and beautiful words! What a lovely way to start the day! Thank you!

  12. I really like this, reminded me a bit of the Orpheus story. Wonderful wolf, too!

  13. Dear Arija thank you so much to take the time and tell me about that problem with answering thisandthat.I have a look into it. It is so annoying for people who would like to write, take the time and it does not go through; sigh...
    I think the wolf is beautiful and the poetry to go with it as well. Wolfes have always been maligned. Rotkaeppchen is a good example.

  14. I drew in my breath quickly when I saw this painting! Delightful! :)

  15. You are welcome! Wonderful to hear your 'voice' again. Trusting you are recovering/ed and enjoying life to the full again. happy days to you. by the by, when i was a kid, wolves or thoughts of them used to scare me.

  16. Arija you are right! The horrible music comes with my slide, I don't know how to get rid of it! The video is ok. but the slide is wrong.

  17. What a great animal this wolf is.
    About the music, Arija: I fixed it by simply putting something else on the slide. Now you can hear the French chanson again.

  18. Is the wolf your totem? Lovely words about a regal animal.

  19. This reminds me of a local drama series. Very cool.

  20. A painter and a poet in one!
