Tuesday, March 3, 2009


When sleep like stealthy thief
escapes into the night,
breathing the darkness deeply
like bird in restles flight
to roam beneath the stars
or moon, or absence of all light
chasing memories and hopes
in endless roundelay
the little worries of the coming day

Where does sleep hide
when she departs
why forsakes us in our need?
Oh fickle lady of the night
to come and shackle us by day
inopportunely shutting down
our senses in a busy town
with traffic roaring all around
and nowhere to be safely still
while she exerts her wayward will.


  1. The photos are great and so is the poem! You are very creative Arija!

  2. What a beautiful poem! I hope you were not awake in the middle of the night when you wrote it.

  3. Good morning Arija, lovely poetry to go with your beautiful photos. Have a great day today.

  4. the first photo is poetry in itself

  5. That first photo with the sunlight shining through the feathers of the bird's wing,.. wow! And lovely words, too.

  6. Love the poem and the photos!

  7. Beautiful post.
    Great pics and love your words of beauty.

    Thanks for your visit and most kind comments.

  8. Arija, I don't know what I like most -- your photographs or your poetry. Both are wonderful in this post.

  9. That poem could be my lament!

    Thank you for visiting my blog. I had to come visit whoever used the word 'verandah'. That one word took me back home to India and to my father's voice. Thank you! I don't know how long it's been since I've heard that word spoken or seen it written anywhere.

  10. Such a wise and observant poem. And really, naps can be a wonderful thing, don't you agree? Even if we miss a few bits of the day. That is certainly Edward's view!

    And that photograph is just marvelous.

  11. Lovely photos and verse. Who among us has not experienced the fickle lady?

  12. It is puzzling how we can get sleepy when we have so much to do, yet sometimes when we try to sleep, it seems to escape like the bird in your photo.

  13. Beautiful Lovely Poem.. and so true!!

  14. Oh yes, Arija, I recognise that kind of sleep - sometimes one is wakeful all night and then, as they say here, in the daytime one could go to sleep on a clothesline.

  15. The first photo you caught right on time! It is fantastic!

  16. What a beautiful poetic examination of this phemonenon!

  17. I love this poem, Arija. It has given me an insight into sleeplessness at night. The comparison between that and the sleepiness in the day is brilliant!

  18. Thanks for visiting my blog.
    What a beautiful poem!!& the photo nice too.

  19. magnificent images and poetry!!!

  20. I love the poem very much. You described it most appropriately Arija especially the sleepless state. Lovely!!!!!

    The bird photograph is beautiful.

    Here's hoping that sleep keeps us company at the right rotation of the earth, although, what I am doing this time of the night?

  21. You need a good massage. then you will ZZZZZ.

    Great poem.

    I like the wings fluttering. How did you capture the right moment?

  22. Your poem is amazing. You have a wonderful way with words. Thank you for sharing, Arija.

  23. Ah sleep...she and I never see eye-to-eye and not again last night. Beautiful Arija.. Michelle

  24. I love this poem and the accompanying photos work so well too. I definitely need to get some more sleep :)

  25. Touching words and photos, Arija! Have a great day.

  26. So hard to catch a bird in flight, it's wonderful, and your poetry is lovely.

  27. It's so hard to catch a bird in flight, your photo is wonderful and your poetry as well.
