Wednesday, April 15, 2009

SkyWatch ~ 30 A Foggy Dawn

Do click photos to enlarge, it is worth it.

Yesterday I got up pre-dawn and drove to get
some fog shots for you. I hurried to this spot to
catch the sunrise over the valley fog. I like the
way the first rays of the sun are tinging the edge
of the rising fog.

Then the sun rose like God coming to earth

and woke the world with blinding force

on the way home, a couple of kangaroos on our
foggy wood lot, then home to breakfast.

Thanks to Klaus and the SkyWatch Team we
can all enjoy this wonderful meme.

To visit world wide skies, click on the Logo at right.


  1. Absolutely beautiful Arija - somehow the fog makes such a mysterious landscape. You have captured that in the photographs.

  2. Wow it is so beautiful. Looked so magical. Could hang up as a painting in the living room. Amazing.

  3. Beautiful sunrise foggy series. Complete with running Kangaroo - Australia trademark!

  4. These photos do have the feel of early morning - maybe even the First early morning in Eden! (and thank you so much for taking the time to send the extra notes on cycads; just fascinating, and much appreciated!)

  5. Magical is the word! How absolutely gorgeous! They're all like paintings.

  6. Oh Arija, that is soooo beautiful! I can't even tell you which part of your skywatch I prefer the most: the landscape, the fog or the kangaroos! All of it beautiful!

  7. oh my goodness, how amazing, specially that sun.

  8. It's just beautiful. The foggy landscapes always moves me. To get up early i the morning to get this reward must really make the day.

  9. Unbelievably stunning photos. Thanks for getting out so early so that we might enjoy.

  10. Arija,
    The light is almost magical. With the fog it creates a pleasant mood.
    -- Chuck

  11. Gogreous photos.Yes it does look like Heaven opened up for you.

  12. Arija, thank you for rising early to get these photos! There is nothing like a lifting fog to add drama to sunrise. The sun does look Heaven sent as it's rising - it seems to set the tree aflame!

  13. Love the morning fog,... thank you for getting up so early. And the kangaroos are such a treat,.. to have them just running along on your property!

  14. It does hold such a beautiful meaning in these photos... I feel so wonderful when viewing your pictures... I cannot help but smile and feel the warmth.


  15. OMGOSH!!! These are spectacular!!!!!

  16. Such amazing light - Great Great shots!!! I love that sky!

  17. Exotic and bewitching, thanks for sharing these remarkable photos. Makes me want to hop on a plane!

  18. Those are really magical pictures, I know it's been said already, but it's true.

  19. Early morning light is so beautiful, especially when diffused by foggy mist. Beautiful photos, Arija. Love the kangaroos, too.

  20. I Love your photos!!! It look so heavenly^^

  21. Stunning!!!! Fog and sunrise, what an incredible combination and it all came together in your gorgeous photos. All shots are truly spectacular. They should be in a book, in a frame on a wall. Thank you Arija, I feel so good after seeing these.

  22. Great photos I like the effect of the foggy sunrise, and the kangeroos in the morning. Hope you get some good rains soon thanks for visiting my blog.

  23. Beautiful! Iespecially like the first with the fog nestled in between the hills!

  24. You were really blessed by the most beautiful things world can offer.

  25. Great! I like foggy photos, but it is not easy to do.

  26. Stunning shots of a foggy sunrise. I love the colours. You have a great blog. I find it hard to remember names of plants. How do you do it? I also have problems remembering how to spell as you pointed out in your comment on THE GRAMPIANS. I realise I should have checked how to spell it before publishing, but I was pretty tired at the time. My children and I all have the same problem, a certain part of our brain isn't functioning properly. However we all managed to get a uni degree. It is wrong to judge people by their spelling. A more sensitive approach would have been kinder.I'm really a nice person and the way you said it offended me but also will make me be more careful in future.

  27. What an explosion of light. Absolutely stunning and magical photos! Thanks for sharing such a wonderful pre-dawn moments with us.

  28. Fabulous photos, I am not fond of fog but they can produce some wonderful photos.

  29. Excellent photos! I love the 'roos!

  30. Your images are so wonderful! The light is enchanting and then kangaroos are always so wonderful to see, especially for those of us without them!

  31. Oh, thank you so much for doing that for us!!! What magnificent captures, and yes, the sun did rise, like God coming to Earth. From what I understand, though hard to imagine, it will yet even more glorious than that! I can't wait!

  32. Amazing! I love to see nature in her abundant glory.

  33. Arija,
    your photography is truly special,
    like reflections of your soul.
    I enjoy so much coming here and letting myself get lost in your world.
    Thank you for so generously sharing it with us.

    Der Flieder blüht in Wien!

  34. It's amazing the things we miss lying in our beds in the morning! Well done, the effort was worth it. Stunning photos.

  35. Arija, tes photos sont vraiment splendides !
    A bientôt.

  36. great fog/light compo. breath taking. happy SWF!

  37. These are fantastic foggy shots. Incredibly beautiful.

  38. Gorgeous pictures of the sun rays and fog.

    I invite you to come and enjoy a bit of fog in my pictures too. Have a lovely SWF!

  39. Oh my gosh, Arija. These are simply stunning. That sunrise is amazing! Very good capture...I'm glad you got out there early! :o)

  40. Amazing set of shots, Arija.

    Happy SWF!

  41. A stunning effect of the fog - I have never seen anything quite like it.

  42. Awesome! Absolutely perfect shots!
    Well done!@
    Cheers, Klaus !

  43. Fantastic shots - I just can't pick my favorite.

  44. Thank you for rising early Arija. This is a wonderful post.Even the Roo's stopped to look at the lovely view, which I did enlarge.

  45. These are awe-inspiringly beautiful. It must really make your spine tingle to witness sunrises like these. Thanks for sharing them - thanks for getting up so early!!

  46. Absolutely amazing! Glad you shared.

  47. Wow - these photos are wonderful! The morning fog makes the landscape so mysterious - and then - the sun breaks through!

    More than well done job! Love the kangaroo too! :)

  48. What a glorious fog that is. Oh your photos are all so beautiful.

  49. Beautiful series - just love the fog.

  50. What a great shot, that top one, definitely worth enlarging. It reminds me a bit of Northern California, which is the only other place I've ever seen fog collect like that. Wonderful series.

  51. Breathtaking fantastic series!
    My favorite is the second picture, I love the big tree.
    And it is nice to see kangaroos.

  52. What a truly magical skywatch, thank you for sharing it.

  53. Arija, Those are absolutely beautiful shots, especially the "burning bush". Greeting the dawn has to be one of the greatest gifts of the Creator, I am always gratiful to see the beginning of a new day! Thank you for sharing these with us and have a beautiful weekend.

  54. Wow, that's something beautiful, fog and sunrise combined. I've never photographed a fog before with a sunrise. :)

  55. You took an effort to take these lovely pictures and it was worth it. Lovely!

  56. I was amazed by the first photos and then come the kangaroos! Seeing a herd making a run would be a highlight of my life.

  57. simply awesome!no wonder they said early birds catch the best worms!Thank you Arija for your efforts. Happy SWF!

  58. I'm not at all surprised you have 59 comments Arija, such fantastic photos of the dawn and the fog. Brilliant.

  59. What a beautiful sky. The fog looks amazing in these shots. I also love your words "Then the sun rose like God coming to earth…and woke the world with blinding force"
    Simply beautiful : )

  60. Thanks for getting up early. I enjoyed the shots.

  61. These are really beautiful serene shots.

  62. It was definitely worth it. These pictures are beautifully ethereal.

  63. beautiful photos ;)
    and have a nice weekend!

  64. wonderful shots....with Kangaroos.
    It can't get better than that.

  65. Wow! What way beautiful start of the day!

  66. Beautiful photos!
    You did well to capture the light through the fog and kagaroos in motion too. Was taking some photos tonight and every time i looked at the roo's they ran off before i could click.

  67. So enchanting, I love foggy mornings. You captured it beautifully, second and third photos are my favorites.

  68. This is awesome, very good pictures ,

    I liked the picture of the kangaroo
    I would be glad to see your openions on these pictures and how I could develp in photograph Picnic in Bandawa, and Crayfish fighting

  69. I thought those were Texas Longhorn Cattle in the last picture when it was small and when I clicked on it I could see they were kangaroos eating in God's pasture. Nice photographs.

  70. I love the sun rays and the kangaroos. Appreciate you going out early to get those marvelous shots!

  71. Wonderful fog, wonderful light, wonderful to have kangaroos!

  72. Arija, you always know how to combine photos and poetry! Thanks for taking the trouble to go to that place to take these pictures.

  73. oh my gosh...those shots of the sun through the trees...amazing shots.
    i so appeciate you getting up early to capture them :)

  74. Awesome shots! The tree is burning! And that lone tree in the first photo is just too big to miss! Happy weekend!

  75. Magnificent pictures, what a great moment the combination of fog and sunrise ....
    Thank's for your comment on my photoblog !!

    Erwin (Classicphoto)

  76. I love the foggy series and the kangaroos.

  77. Wonderful shots. Very beautiful

  78. Absolutely amazing photography. I can but marvel at those images. They are nearly outwordly. Like god coming to earth is a good description.

    I have a little challenge to you in my blog if you are interested and have the time.

  79. What a treat - thank you for going to the effort!

  80. Magnificently MARVELOUS photos you've captured and shared here. Thank you ;-)
    Hugs and blessings,

  81. Quite mystical, love the wild kangeroo's bounding past in the last photo, they really gave away where your from. Haha.

  82. Visual splendour. You capture everything ....

  83. Beautiful foggy sunrise pictures.
    It gives something special to the early morning.

  84. Wow, Arija, I came over to your blog before replying to your comment on mine. WOW! What beautiful photography! You live in a wonderful part of the world. I just scrolled down and down and down on your blog with my mouth open saying WOW! I thank you for sharing these stunning images. I love the kangaroos and the cycads!

  85. Thanks for getting up and taking the photographs for us. They are wonderful. I loved the kangaroos also.

  86. So awesome delight indeed! Thanks for leaving me your kind comment on my Skywatch maiden feature. Gud' day from Sydney.

  87. Arija: A wondrous sunrise and I'm so glad you caught the kangaroos. Thanks for sharing your country on SWF.

  88. Wonderful shots, Arija! Absolutely wonderful!

  89. Arija, you paint and write poetry with your photographs! You make me so happy.

  90. What wonderful shots you got! Well worth getting out early.

  91. These are stunning misty shots, and then to end with the kangaroos is just the icing on the cake!

  92. Wonderful shots. Very creative. I love the fog in these images.

  93. Beautiful peaceful captures. Smiles B

  94. Misty magicalness. Is it one of the objects of Skywatch Friday, perhaps, to engender longing in us for places we've never been?

    Now I've got even more reason to visit Victoria. Thanks for the luscious photos.

  95. Those are so so beautiful. I love the way the sun rays shine through the fog!!!!

  96. I've come late to look at your photos and I'm so glad I made it. The sun rising through the mist is just amazing. Thank you for your early rising.

  97. Oh my gosh, these photos are so beautiful! I love the other worldly feel that fog can cause! I love the fog sunrise!

    What a magical experience! It shows your how we are truely immersed in energy at all times!

  98. Beautiful images! I'm so glad you made the effort to capture them, well worth the effort.

  99. The photos are stunning, nature's pure beauty captured.

    The first photo is magical.

    Each one is beautiful.

  100. The foggy pictures are beautiful but it still looks hot and dry. MB

  101. Wow, Arija, what beautiful foggy photos... I esp like the first one. It truly looks magical there.

  102. These are good pictures. I love the last shot. Wow.

  103. Oh Arija, I looked at these photos and could feel my heart beating stronger. This is by far my favorite part of the day. You have captured the magic perfectly!

  104. Wow! These are fantastic and then they're topped off with those kangaroos in the last shot. Awesome! :-)

  105. Congrats on POTD mention. Fab pictures!

  106. Congratulations, Arija,
    on David's Post of the Day Award!

    Fliedergrüße aus Wien,

  107. Over from POTD. Glad I came. These pictures are just superflagilistikexpialidocious...!!

    All of these are mindblowing.

  108. Absolutely gorgeous magical photos and beautiful kangaroos too :)

  109. Breathtaking!!!

    Found you via David's authorblog and glad I did.

  110. A beautiful morning! Loved your photos, your writing, and thrilled to share POTD with you. You are fabulous!! I'll be back!!! ♥♥♥

  111. Thank you for getting up so early for those photos. They are magical :-)


  112. What a dream world you live in dear Arja. So beautiful. This was a gift to see.

    I see that I have already arrived here in the form of an award xoxoxo

    Arja I am so thankful that you and your sister have shed the disease of cancer.

    You are incredible and your spirit shines right through your blog.

    Love Renee xoxo
