Saturday, October 23, 2010

Shadow Shot Sunday ~ Beyond here there be Dragons

An encounter with a dragon on the way to Hawker.

I may not be that big but I look real mean

just look at all those spines, no wonder they call me a bearded
dragon . . . I'm cute though aint I?

If you want a closer look just click the photo.

For shadows galore, click the Logo and hop over to
HEY HARRIET, just look and enjy or better still, join in.


  1. I love it! Our only dragon is made of poured concrete.

  2. I had a closer look, Arija, he is a fearsome thing in miniature. Imagine what he would be like if he was five times as large!

  3. They are cute. Do they just run around wild?

  4. Wow! That's certainly something you don't see everyday! Great photo!

  5. Oh, I love him, too! What delightful shadow shots for the day, Arija, as always! Hope you're enjoying a lovely weekend!


  6. I love it! No dragons like these live around here! Wonderful photo!

  7. Oh I am scared of these creatures. We have hydrosaurs where I grew up and they scared the bejeezus out of me. Very nice pictures. The details are stunning when enlarged.

  8. Absolutely cutie... Usch... scary though but he gave you that perfect shot, isn't he?

    Happy SS downunder.

  9. Great photo with the shadow!
    I guess he's kind of "ugly cute"!

  10. The shadow may be big, but harmless - try to convince the dragon of that, though. I wouldn’t say ugly, but side on the term ‘cute’. Nicely captured, shadowy figure!

  11. I love those bearded dragons! Yours is a little different to the ones here in Qld. Your dragon has more of a reddish tinge to him. Ours are mainly shades of grey. Have yourself a great week :)

  12. how fun to get to run into these critters from time to time. I don't think I have ever seen a lizard where I live now. Maybe because of how serious our winters are.... they say "no way!"
    lovely day to you~

  13. awesome shadow and such a cool lizard

  14. great set of shadow shots. And the little Dragon is very cute. :)

  15. What a cute little fellow :-) Hubby used to catch these as a child.

  16. Fascinating shadow. Fascinating reptile too.

    All the best, Boonie
