Thursday, June 23, 2011

SkyWatch ~ Here Comes the Sun . . .

This was our winter solstice sunrise . . .

here is the sun through the clouds, I have no idea what caused
the green flash, was it a gang of Leprechauns fresh over from

Thanks to Gaelyn, we now have an explanation of this rare
phenomenon. It seems I was very lucky to capture it . . .
who says it is not worth getting out of bed on a freezing morning
just to capture a sunrise?

After long deliberation (sleep) I am sticking to my guns. No
one has actually seen The Green Flash close up sooo my
theory has not been disproved, ergo, it is just as likely to be a
rare Leprechaun migration as anything else!

By the time there was real light, the Leprechauns had

to be replaced by a few cold sparrows in the Nectarine tree.

They enlarge if you wish . . .

With thanks to the SkyWatch Team for the fun we share on a weekly basis.


  1. Beautiful photos. Chapeau!

    I just love your comments on my blog. Thanks. Have a great day!

  2. Of course it was also our summer solstice and the sky was overcast and it was raining - so no sunrise that we could see, sadly.

  3. What a beautiful sunrise and I also love the shot of the little birds.

  4. Oh what a beautiful morning. Great captures. And although I love the leprechaun theory the green flash is an optical phenomena caused by the refraction of light (as in a prism) in the atmosphere. As per
    My ex-husband the sailor dreams of seeing the green flash. Lucky you to have captured it.

  5. Breathtaking skies and gorgeous captures, Arija! I, too, love the leprechaun theory!! Our skies have some great similarities today! The little birds are so delightful! Hope you have a lovely weekend!


  6. Thanks Gaelyn for bursting my bubble, idiot me didn't show the post to the Prof (of Meteorology) before posting. I had really warmed to the Leprechaun theory and now am left wondering which is rarer, Leprechauns or green flashes?

    Thank you all so much for taking the trouble to comment, You have no idea how much your comments mean to me.

  7. Great photos for SWF,Arija!Have a nice weekend!

  8. Very vivid sky!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  9. Such a treat to look up in the sky with such gorgeous views!

    My Skywatch, please come by anytime.

  10. Lovely series this week. That first shot is awesome. Love the way you came up with the leprechaun reasoning. Very clever. Lovely photography. Genie

  11. Lovely series this week. That first shot is awesome. Love the way you came up with the leprechaun reasoning. Very clever. Lovely photography. Genie

  12. how lovely
    each image
    and how sweet that you captured a green flash!

  13. Great story true or not Arija. I'm Irish, so I believe it. LOL
    Pretty pictures.
    We're wallowing in more rain. It's going to be a disasterous summer for us with all the mosquitos.I hope by now you are feeling better too.

  14. Lovely shots again arija. have a great weekend

  15. What beautiful flash, you say, hmmmm, not so sure I can see it, but if you say it is, then I must believe it dear Arija...little visitor from Ireland, just may be. Have a glorious weekend~

  16. or the Blue Lantern zoomed by.:p
    these are delightful captures.

  17. How fascinating to see Leprechauns. According to one of our artists we have gnomes, who are sleeping during the daytime and are active at night.Anyway your photos are beautiful as ever and mysterious too!

  18. Sveicināta, Ārija!
    Es ļoti priecājos, ka jau apskatījāt manu Jāņu dienas ziņu! Es vienmēr esmu domājusi, kā jūs - latvieši ārpus Latvijas svinat šo dienu.... Vai tiešām arī no 23. uz 24.jūniju?

    Mums, Latvijā no 23. uz 24. jūniju ir ļoti skaļi, jautri svētki, ar lieliem ugunskuriem (vietām laukos arī garas kārts galā), ar dziedāšanu, jautru dejošanu un lielu ēšanu. Tie ir Latvijas visu iedzīvotāju svētki.

    Bet mūsu folkloras kopas un grupas organizē un svin šos svētkus īstajā Saulgriežu laikā (šogad tas bija no 21. uz 22. jūniju). Tad dabā enerģētiski norit īstie procesi un veiktajiem rituāliem ir liels spēks un arī jēga... Šogad šie datumi, diemžēl, iekrita darbdienās. Bet pirms dažiem gadiem arī mēs piedalījāmies Īstajos svētkos. Un varu teikt, ka sajūtas un prieks ir cits... un arī lietus īstajos Saulgriežos nekad nelīstot...

    Jauku Jums nedēļas nogali!

  19. Thank you for coming by my blog. It is such a pleasure to see you even though I may not always be able to visit you, my heart is with you. I hope you are well, my friend. Your pictures portray your beautiful soul, your amazing personality... I wish I could see you in person.

    Take care. Many hugs.. XOXOXXOXO

  20. Beautiful sunrise! There's something special about witnessing it on the day of the summer solstice -- unfortunately it was foggy here, so I didn't get to see it.

  21. Beautiful skies in gold an silver.

  22. Glorious sunrise!
    My Irish side is going with the Leprechauns.
    The green flash is rare and I wonder if that's what you caught.
    If you use a UV lens that too often produces a green reflection.
    I've finally learned to take mine off for some shots.
    Have a great weekend.

  23. I had not seen or heard about this green mirage before. Beautiful sunrise.

  24. Gorgeous sunrise photos, definitely worth getting up early for!

  25. Such nice shots. Good chance it was lephrecauns creating some mischief!! Your photos are really beautiful. We are priviledged to see such awesome skies. Mickie :)

  26. Lovely photos - the golds and silver and leprechaun green are all wonderful!

  27. Interesting series of shots! Sooooo V. Beautiful :) Hv a great weeekend

  28. Wow - what wonderful wonderful light. The summer solstice here came with monsoon rains and clouds so I didn't get any shots at all.

    Thanks for sharing your stunning pictures.

  29. Very beautiful sky colors. Have a great weekend.

  30. Aaah! Such beautiful view. I miss taking photographs of the sky. We had some rain clouds here last week. The clouds were beautiful and the rain was a blessing. Take care my dearest Arija. Tsup!

  31. Beautiful captures for the week! Gorgeous skies - worth getting up for!

  32. Beautiful shots!
    Have a great Sunday!

  33. I have heard of that green flsah. But I can´t recall seeign it any time. And you got it on a shot. :)

  34. Stunning pictures. Almost makes me want to get out of bed early one of these days. It has been a long, long time since I last seen a sunrise.

    Those Leprechaun's sure do get about, I use to have one living down stairs from me...he was a real menace...he use to drink to much!
