Monday, April 15, 2013

OUR WORLD - Oh to go to the sea

Last August, with my health rapidly breaking down,  I bit the 
bullet and after a number of years of looking after my husband
of 54 years standing, had to put him into a nursing home.

Now, I visit when I can but it is a 150 km round trip and the 
drive does exhaust me.

A dear friend flew down from Queensland to see him. 
Luckily he was still recognised.

In the afternoon I took our friend to the airport and since it is 
not far from the sea, I finally got to smell the fresh sea air that I
had missed for a whole year.

Just the colour was enough to lift my spirits.

Even though a service vehicle had driven up and down a few 
times, my little dog and I enjoyed the walk.

Hardly a sole on the beach apart from us.

The view from West Beach down the coast 
towards Glenelg and Brighton.

Enjoy your world while you still have a place in it or recognise that you have one.


  1. oh Arija... I'm so sorry to read about your husband... it had to be a difficut decission, but that's better for him. Hope you can visit him from time to time... it has to be hard for you...

    Beautiful captures ! Happy you got nice time ! Fab Week Dear Arija !

  2. An extremely hard thing to do Arija, but at some time of our lives we must put ourselves first. There is something calming about walking along a beach. I just love it. We lived about 15 mins from the ocean but we have now moved to the country(3 weeks ago). The beach and the sea breeze is the only thing I will miss about living in the city

  3. Arija, I can only try to imagine the difficulty in placing your husband in care. But you were burning out and you'd been beside him for more than five decades. You still are there for him - visiting him regularly. I'm glad you got time to go to the sea with your little dog. Take care of yourself, my dear friend. Blessings. Jo

  4. I'm so sorry about your struggles with your husband and your own health. That is so hard to deal with. You make the decisions you have to make and just keep struggling along the best you can. Trust God to be with you both. My prayers are with you. The sea shots are lovely. I often wish I lived near an ocean. I have always been drawn to water. Oceans are so calming to watch and you feel such a sense of refreshment when you are near water.

  5. Oh Arija, how I feel for you. I do so agree that we must catch every moment we can while we have the health and strength. I send my love to you across the world.

  6. Such a beautiful beach!! I could spend a lot of time there!! I'm glad you took some time for yourself to enjoy this, Arija! Have a good week! Take care!

  7. Hi Arija - I know it's been a long time. I just don't have the time to blog hop like I did when I first moved here - I guess that's good. I'm sorry to read about your health and your situation with your husband. Know that I'm thinking of you and will keep you in my prayers. xox

  8. Hi Arija... Magnificent color the water,something very calming about the seaside!!
    Lovely shot's!

  9. I'm sorry you have to make that long drive to visit your husband but am glad you can rejoice by the sea. Be well my friend.

  10. The perfect place to take a walk and breath in that wonderful sea air ... I'm sure it was the pause that refreshes.

  11. The sparkling water is very refreshing.

  12. Hi Arija, a very poignant post. It reminds us to enjoy the day as none of us know what is ahead. I am sending a big hug and a prayer for you and your husband.

  13. Beautiful beautiful shots.

    So sorry to hear about your husband.

  14. I'm so sorry to hear about your hubby health. I think beach is the best place to relax and have fun.

  15. The ocean is fresh, invigorating and restorative isn't it. It has been too long since I have seen it, smelt it. Thank you for the reminder.
    You had such a hard time, culminating in that hard decision. Sending hugs.

  16. The sea can be a balm for many things - but maybe not all things.

    Stewart M - Melbourne

    PS: I too thought of the red soil and blue sky, but though I too heretical to mention!!!

  17. Che magnifico mare !
    L'acqua è così azzurra !!!!!
    By Myriam :))

  18. Oh Arija! I won't say that I understand what you are going through. But I think I can understand that going to the coast and walking on a quiet beach could renew your spirit ... at least to some extent and at least temporarily.

    I am glad you are taking time to care for yourself...that is so important and you do so deserve it!

  19. Arija, I cannot imagine the internal torment you went through in having to make this most difficult decision! I hope you do not beat yourself up over it. I am sorry I was not aware of what you were going through at the time. You have always been so generous with your love and support for me. I hope that you now have found peace and rest as well as him. I am glad you were able to walk along the edge of the sea!

  20. Oh, dear Arija. My heart goes out to you these days. You show such strength and grace in your trying times. Please know you are admired.

  21. Bless you Arija for what you have done, and I am so glad you are getting some time to enjoy. There is nothing like the ocean with it's wonderful smells, and sights to give you the lift you need. I only can hope and pray I have this kind of strength to get through these times myself. Take care.♥
