Saturday, May 18, 2013

TODAY'S FLOWERS - Tonight's Flowers Really!

'Joiks', I though.
I have no flowers to post . . .
grab camera, rush out into the dark with torch
and violà!

A flower I had noticed on a seedling geranium a few days ago.
Dah, when you shine the torch on the flower, you can't see
what setting the camera in on, ups . . .
soft focus by torchlight.

Madly winding fading torch and clinging on to camera,
my piece de resistance, a flower engulfed by grass.
Yep, not only has my weeding not been done, 
it hasn't even been started

here is the little darling in all it's moth eaten glory

and, the only other thing apart from my white rose that is in 
flower, ONE shy but perfumed violet.

With Lille Abner's grandma I say "when you got 'em, flaunt 'em!"

When you don't have much, it's best to enjoy what you DO have.


  1. They are so delicate and beautiful but somehow you catch my eyes with your 1st picture. Really nice !
    Fantastic weekend !

  2. Leises Frühlingserwachen, sehr schön liebe Arija...

    Umaemung und Grüsse aus der Schweiz


  3. HI Arija...It is always great to start the day with a good belly laugh, and that you provided!!
    I must say very creative and quite artistic perhaps you have found a new niche in photography!! ; )
    Love this post!! I like Little Abner's grandma's saying cute!!
    Glad I am not the only one with an unweeded garden!! : )

  4. I love geraniums. I'm glad it bloomed for you.

  5. the first night shot made me smile!

  6. I'd settle for the violet, which I am surprised you have blooming in the Fall. In Oregon they bloom in early spring and thus I always miss them (no shy sweet flowers in Florida or at least I can't find any).
    There's always something special about any flowers that just 'hang on' as summer winds down.

    (I miss Lil' Abner! The funnies aren't as good nowadays ;>)

    1. The violets are only starting to flower because we had some autumn rain. Nature tends to get confused when the summer extends to winter and doesn't give us any rain. A lot of plants are thinking it is spring, including some birds.

  7. You went above and beyond to share these lovelies
    Arija. Thank you for going out at night to share these lovely photos with us.

  8. Beautiful close up photos. I love to see tiny flowers centered and large.

  9. Pretty little flowers - I have some new ones to post soon.

  10. Considering the time of year you're lucky to have any flowers left. Love violets.

  11. Love how you managed to take a picture in the glare of the torchlight, and it turned out to be an interesting image, after all!

    Wishing you a wonderful Sunday, Arija!

  12. Even a little flower is showing it's beauty.I love these pictures.

  13. How pretty to see that little jewel of colour by torchlight .... and a solitary shrinking violet ... another joy to behold.

  14. The roses here are finished, but our geraniums and violets are going strong. And the tree dahlias.
    I loved this - thank you.

  15. I do like that first image.

    Your comment on my blog stopped me dead in my tracks - maybe I need to organise a trip to the Grampians to say hello and hear the full story.

    Stewart M

  16. I like how you tell us your little stories of photo hunting. Lovely blooms.

  17. Violets and geraniums Arija - two of my favourite flowers

  18. lovely to see your sweet flowers~

    thank you for your messages on SH, they read as poetry to me and my heart ~

  19. Thank you for capturing theses beauties for us to enjoy, my favorite is the tiny violet. Thank you also for visiting us at and I agree with Indrani, I love how you told the story :).

    We have a weekly linky party and would love to have you come and share the fun:

    Have a great week ahead,

  20. Gorgeous geranium and violet. I don't know what it is about violets...they are so old-fashioned and so small and perfect. Just love them!

  21. Beautiful blooms.

  22. Hehehe, your nighttime photo adventure had me chuckling. I must say, though, that is my favorite color for geraniums. Cute little blooms!
