Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Wild Bird Wednesday - Sacred Ibis

These days, birds have to be big or flashing under my nose
for me  to see them

So, if ah sees 'em,
ah shoots 'em!

Made a pit stop at the Gumaracha park, they have facilities,

also at times a bird or two or more . . .

to put it kindly, Ibis were aerating the lawn

these two stopped for a pow-wow

geez, was it something I said?

ah well, I never did see the point in sulking,
c'mon guys lets party!

If all else fails, have a drink!
Ha, water can be just as stimulating.

Linking with Stuart's


  1. Nice shots, we don't see those where I live.

  2. just too cute - loved your narration. :)

  3. Great pictures,but equally great commentary.

  4. Beautiful bird pics! I like the first one, they seem to dance!

  5. We have four ibis, Arija, who live in an ironbark tree near our house, and who use the clear space in front of us to glide, one-after-the-other, down to the shore to feed at low tide. It's really spectacular, especially from our vantage point, watching how gracefully they do it.

  6. Except for the curved bill they do look very different than the raucous Hadeda Ibis and the Sacred Ibis I saw where a deep coral/red. Isn't it fun to see birds and wildlife from around the world.

  7. Gorgeous birds, great post. Again. Thank you.

  8. This pictures speak about their own story...
    well done !

  9. Lovely shots, Arija and cute captions. I hope you're keeping well. Blessings, Jo

  10. They are cool looking Ibis! Cute post and great shots Arija!

  11. Fun sequence!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  12. These guys are almost prehistoric looking, aren't they? And I love that you gave them speaking parts in this post. Do that all the time with my pup Chet. :-)

  13. Hi Arija...Lovely birds you have there ..great shot's and I love your captions ; ))

  14. These are really the most beautiful, elegant birds Arija.

  15. Beautiful pictures of the Ibis, this bird is not here in the Netherlands.
    Regards, Irma

  16. Haha! LOVE your captions!! I see them so often I tend not to really look at their stately courtliness and clean lines - but your pix show their true colours!

  17. Such unusual birds -- remind me of a large kiwi! :)

  18. I have some shots of these birds watching the cricket!

    Not usre what process was used to make the glass in our windows - but they are small pane lead-lights, so they could be old(ish) - what ever their origin they do make a nice pattern!

    Cheers (and thanks for the link to WBW) - Stewart M

  19. It just so happens that I was reading an article about Thoth this morning. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thoth

  20. Beautiful Ibises! I recently found out there is one species that can be found here but never saw it.

  21. Beautiful species, but it was invasive and a threat to native birds in Florida and now I think it has been completely eradicated.

  22. Aerating and fertilizing probably! I love your cowboy accent! (I shoot 'em all too!)

  23. On the Gold coast, I don't think they like Ibis, they call them rubbish birds and not sacred ones.

  24. Delightful birds! I've never seen one except in a zoo.
