Tuesday, December 24, 2013

OUR WORLD, My LIfe - Christmas, the Happy and the Sad

The Advent wreath was sagging a little after four weeks but
the stars still gleamed in full splendour.

At our house we keep the old European tradition of
celebrating Christmas on Christmas Eve.
The stars are all handmade by my daughter and granddaughters.

The tree is trimmed at dusk with both granddaughters on the job
decking it's full 15' height with traditional glass decorations, some 
over 60 years old, that I had shared with my daughter when she 
left home which preserved them from the As Wednesday 
bush fires that consumed our house a few months later.

 Everyone was happy, including the animals

The presents had to wait till after the Christmas feast 
of which this is just a small sample.

A gentle Christmas with everyone ecstatic about their 
presents and just glad to be together. The room was filled with 
love and laughter.

The one sad note was that my second chick, that was doing so well,
died in the afternoon and left me sad and bereft.

To all of you out there who celebrate Christmas, may this be one 
filled with love and the joy of togetherness!



  1. I now wonder if my parents didn't celebrate some of that European tradition as we decorated the tree on Christmas eve. But we had to wait until after breakfast the next day to open presents. I love the hand made stars and am glad some of the family ornaments made it past the fire. Sorry about the second chick. But this sounds like a nice family Christmas.

  2. I am so sorry about the second of the chicks.
    Love and laughter are the very best kind of celebration aren't they?
    Happy Christmas to you, dear Arija. May love, laughter and beauty continue to flow your way.

  3. Merry Christmas, Arija...sad to hear about the chick, but lovely to see your ornaments, hear how it was on the other side of the planet on Christmas...

  4. We also had Christmas Eve celebrations instead of celebrating on Christmas Day - your home looks lovely with the festive food and decorations. Poor little chick - good to have family around you to cheer you up, Hope the rest of the week will be relaxing for you and the weather a little milder.

  5. Sveicināta, Ārijas kundze!
    Gaišus Ziemassvētkus Jums un Jūsu mīļajiem!
    Silti sveicieni no Latvijas.

    P.S. Šogad ir tik neparasti silta ziema un nav sniega. Bagātīgi bija sasnidzis pirms trim nedēļām, bet iestājās silts laiks un viss nokusa. Ir tik neparasti.... Šorīt debesīs bija rozā mākoņi, tādi kā daudzās Jūsu fotogrāfijās esmu redzējusi....

  6. Shame about the chick - hope the rest of the day made up for this.

    cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

    PS: Christmas day is ending in a wonderful warm evening - hope you have a good day.

  7. How lovely to keep the old traditions. We celebrated on Christmas Eve too.

  8. Sorry about the chick! I am glad you had a great Christmas day with your family..wishing a very Merry Christmas to you and your family!

  9. Sorry about your chick. We celebrate on Christmas Eve in Finland with sauna, food and presents. Merry Christmas!

  10. 。❊ * 。❊ 。 ❊ _█_ ❊ 。 * ❊
    _Π_____ (•.•) * 5☆★☆★☆
    ❊ /______/~\ ( ♥ ) ❊ MERRY CHRISTMAS ❊
    |田 田 |門| ( ♥ ) HAPPY DAY❊

  11. Arija what beautiful traditions...may the love this Christmas gladden your sad heart and may you and yours have a Joyous New Year!

  12. I'm sorry about the chick!! But the remainder of your Christmas sounds wonderful and beautiful as it should be!! Have a great week as you prepare for the new year, Arija!! Enjoy!!


  13. A blessed Christmas to you and your family, Arija. I love the handmade stars. What a relief that the old family ornaments made it beyond the fire. I'm so sorry your second chick didn't make it. Blessings and love Jo

  14. A tree 15' feet high, that's pretty impressive! Merry Christmas, and joy in the new year.

  15. So glad you had a very Merry Christmas. Everything looks festive. May 2014 be good to you and your household.

  16. Awe so sorry about the little chick...one just never knows...
    Your home, your table of food, knowing the family was there with you...that makes things so much better. That is sure a very tall tree...mine is only 7 foot, I think I need one 11, or 12 foot to make my ornaments not look so shoved together. Hmm, thinking, I may need to do just that before next season. Happy New Year Arija~

  17. Merry Christmas Arija! Thank you so much for that wonderful comment you left on my blog. I hope you are well and happy. Your decorations look lovely. I am sorry about the death of your chick! Did you know that Gus and I are moving back to Maine in month? Yes, he took a job transfer there! It will be so hard to leave Chris, Celeste, and my son and grandson, but we will both be near our parents and siblings again and 2 of my 4 children will be living in Maine when my daughter moves back there in the New Year!

    I wish you much love and joy and the beauty of nature to comfort your heart and make you dream!

  18. Oh it sounds like a beautiful day of family. I am sorry about the chick... It had loving care for its short life.. Hugs

  19. A late Merry christmas to you. May the spirit of this season stay with you all year.

  20. It was ... almost ... a perfect Christmas! I am glad your family was with you. And sad about your chick.
