Thursday, March 26, 2015

SkyWatch - Odd, dynamic, promising?

Summer is gone and has sprung straight into winter
the electric blanket pre-heats my bed
the heater is stoked
we have already had a frost 
and my tomatoes get covered at night 
in case they still have a chance to ripen

the sky was fun to watch and very fast moving

streaming past or bubbling up like boiling water

a vague hope still burned but still no rain
. . . almost three months now
and  frost dries out the soil even more

hope you are all well
and also that I could get to blogging again
and start catching up on all your doings.

Joining with


  1. Immer dickere und dichtere Wolken...
    Wünsche Dir ein sonniges Wochenende !

  2. Dramatic skies and wonderful captures, Arija, as always!! Good to see you online again, I've missed you and your posts!! Hope all is well!! Have a great weekend!!

  3. oh, these are beautiful skies. sorry you did not get rain, though!

  4. Lovely sky with those clouds moving right along. I wish we had some rain too--awfully dry here. Have a great weekend Mickie ;)

  5. Those scenes are lovely,but I understand the disappointment when the rains don't come.

  6. Lovely to see you back. I was just about to email you.
    No rain here either (other than incontinent pigeon splatters).
    Love those hopeful cloud-filled skies.

  7. awesome photos! yes we need water here too, has been a very dry summer so far.

  8. Nice series of photographs. My favorite is the last one. Clouds are amazing.
    JM, IL

  9. do you watch cricket. Last night Australia won against |India. It will be interesting when they play against New Zealand.

  10. I hope that you get some rain soon. It has been too long. I love your photos, and your header photo. I love how we are coming out of winter and you are going in.

  11. Wonderful skies! Hope you get some rain soon.

  12. good to hear from you and again and your written words so glad you enjoy the life around you ,its a good thing , here in denmark we are near easter and spring only to enjoy , leaving monday for sweden to see the exhibition where India have her dress , looking foreward to see all on Artipelag ,have a good time

  13. No rain and frost already??? You do tend to have wet winter's over there though don't you? Our summer is when we often have most rain. Love your captures of the clouds, very dramatic.

  14. Like the changing skies but do wish those beautiful clouds would bring you rain. I hope the cooler weather is kind to you health wise.

  15. That certainly is a dramatic sky event, and the analogy of a kettle of boiling water is a good one. Very elemental.
    Wishing you rain. And autumn!

  16. Oh my goodness that is harsh to jump from one season and skip we are still waiting for spring as winter will not release its grasp.

  17. Sure do look like rain clouds. Sorry to hear it's been so long since some came. Beautiful photos!

  18. Love your skies, as always!
    And the perspective your opposite changing seasons always bring to me. Thanks, Arija!

  19. These are beautiful skies! Fun to watch when they are fast moving.

  20. Very dramatic and breathtaking photo!

  21. Beautiful skies, but too bad they didn't contain any rain. Our snow is melting early and with a lower winter snowpack thatn normal we'll be looking for rain soon too to keep the wildfires down this summer.

  22. Such a terrible tease those billowing clouds are and how frustrating not to get the much needed rain.

  23. Our Winter still lingers and I think I need an electric blanket too. The skies are just wonderful, full of great movement. Hugs to you~

  24. A beautiful collection of cloud&sky photoes!

  25. Nice clouds. I gave up our tomatoes this weekend - removed and soil dug over. Always a bit of a marker for the turning of the year.

    I think your answer to the nationality question is a classic.

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

  26. Looks cold! winter was late leaving here this year, but signs of spring are appearing.

  27. Hello, hello!!! How happy I was to see you again! Your clouds are magnificent. It's no wonder that you spend so much time gazing at nature. It's so wondrous in your part of the world. Ahhh, then again, maybe it's not necessarily your part of the world, but you who brings wonder to it. xoxoxo

  28. wish i could send you some of our moisture to even things out some...

  29. I love your dramatic sky shots. Happy Easter!

  30. such gorgeous sky photographs! Each one.
    so you enter autumn and we enter spring. always an interesting thing.
    please email me with your choice of photographs, or if you prefer a greeting card from my shop. It is my pleasure to send you one! I believe you can respond to this comment as an email to me. thank you so much for identifying the flowers.... i really tried and could not find them. They are not common. Perhaps a garden plant gone wild? Lovely Easter to you.

  31. "Garden Delights" has been included in our A Sunday Drive for this week. Be assured that we hope this helps to point even more new visitors in your direction.
