Saturday, April 18, 2015


Leave home for four days to enjoy the warmth to the desert
return to transformations at home

amazing what a few drops of rain will do

my chrysanthemum thinks it is Mothers' Day already

the paddock below my garden shows the faintest 
touch of green and the Wild Wood
is changing into it's golden mantle

the stocks that have given me joy all summer
are more vibrant and have embraced a self seeded
ruby chard in their midst

snapdragons have been joined by a lonely broad bean 
and carpet of parsley

I tend to leave thing where God plants them
they grow much better there and save me the trouble
of getting them established elsewhere

While the other half of the world is bursting into spring,
I am thoroughly enjoying being in the gentle season of
of autumn, cooler temperatures, rain and comfort food.

Linking with TODAY'S FLOWERS


  1. Autumn or spring,these flowers are beautiful.

  2. lovely. i love your philosophy of leaving plants where they are, too. :)

  3. With all those beautiful blooms it's hard to believe winter is on it's way for you. Isn't it grand to go from a desert environment to this lush growth.

  4. Isn't rain magical? Loving your garden. And yes, plants which place themselves do sooooo much better.

  5. Beautiful! I love all the colours.

  6. Πολύ όμορφος ο κήπος σου! Σε μας από το κρύο και την βροχή, ακόμα δεν υπάρχουν πολλά λουλούδια.

  7. I really like your photos and the story to the plants. I always leave the plants on their chosen spot, which is everywhere in my garden, but not in the bed ;-)

  8. Que beleza o seu jardim, flores lindas!
    Amo ver flores assim tão bem cuidadas
    Elas fascinam o meu olhar
    Tenha um domingo feliz

    1. I do love Autumn and it is a seasonal change we still get to experience because we are in Oregon then. Your mum plant is doing well. I'm glad you got some needed rain and I love your gardening (non)plan. That's how I used to do it back when I gardened at all.

  9. Beautiful, colorful flowers!! We're seeing them everywhere here in Oregon, but then it is Spring here!! Wonderful captures and thanks, as always, for sharing the beauty! Have a great new week!!

  10. Now I must ask, what would your most pleasurable comfort food be Arija? Happy Autumn to you as yes, we are so enjoying our glorious Spring. Lovely flowers you have shared. Hugs~

  11. Du hast wunderbare Blumen, Arija, ich verstehe Deine Freude !

  12. Thank you for sharing your pretty flowers Arija. A lovely welcome home.

  13. Your fall sounds heavenly, Arija - and filled with blooms. Your philosophy of gardening is similar to mine - I let it grow where it seeds!

  14. your garden is looking so beautiful!
    I agree, let the volunteer plants be where they are, they always seem to thrive there.

    lovely weekend to you.

  15. Liebe Arija,
    mich verwirrt es ja immer ein wenig...wenn ich Dich hier besuche steht die Zeit immer irgendwie Kopf...ich muß immer erst mal schauen wie spät es bei Dir gerade ist...obwohl ich mir schon gemerkt habe, dass es bei Dir hell ist, wenn's bei mir dunkel ist und andersherum :)...
    Auf jeden Fall genieße ich Deine Herbstbilder, von diesen wunderschönen Blumen, die wachsen dürfen wie sie wachsen :),von den bunten Bäumen und den wundervollen Momenten im Himmel, sehr!!!
    Auch habe ich mich sehr über Deine Nachricht in meinem E-mail Fach gefreut, allerdings kann ich sie nicht öffnen und anschauen, weil ich bei diesem Dienst nicht angemeldet bin, oder diese App nicht besitze...ich benutze noch ein Handy (kein Smartphone) zum telefonieren :)

    Ich hoffe Dir geht's gut und Du genießt die goldenen
    Tage und die wundervolle Natur um Dich herum!!!
    Alles Liebe &
    Sei ganz, ganz lieb gegrüßt,
    Katrin :)

  16. This is all so lovely!!! just like you!!! xo
