Sunday, April 3, 2016

Autumn crocus

It has been a very long, dry summer
a few weeks ago we had our first rain event 
and hoped the long dry was over

no such thing, we had almost 2" in one go
and not a drop more

it confused nature even more,
spring bulbs are popping up
plum trees are in full blossom 
my autumn crocuses, Colchicum burst into bloom
which only lasted for a few days 
as the heat came back . . .

at least they were brilliant for those
precious few days

please click on the photos to see more detail

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  1. Lovely flowers! Enjoy your weekend!

  2. They were gorgeous while they lasted Arija. The weather has confused our flowers too as everything seemed to arrive early this year. Thank you for sharing your lovely photos with Today's Flowers, and have a wonderful weekend :)

  3. Absolutely gorgeous Arija! The IHM post will go up tomorrow evening, I'm so happy you will be joining in.

  4. Glorious things. I haven't seen any sign of ours. We haven't had any rain either. Sigh.

  5. The pictures are gorgeous.I do hope you get that much needed moisture soon.

  6. What's normal about weather? Enjoy those beautiful flowers while you can.

  7. such beautiful flowers!
    sorry for the confusion.
    wishing you just the right amount of rain.

  8. Oh Arija -- they were brilliant indeed! Thank you for this. (I'm so glad you captured them with your camera). I know yours are Fall crocuses (croci?), but they remind me of the Spring ones I am missing by being here in Florida.

  9. Very pretty. Our crocus came out early...then a few daffodils...and then SNOW!!!

  10. We had good rain here today - and I am almost ready to call the summer over - but, this is Melbourne so who can tell!

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne
