Monday, March 30, 2009

MY WORLD ~ 21 Arrived at Yeppoon


Here we are, arrived at the coastal wetlands in
Queensland near Yeppoon. There were a few
tropical blue Waterlilies in bloom


Intermediate Egret, Egretta intermedia, near the track

and Mistletoe flowering. All photos can be enlarged,
please do so at least for a few, it really is rewarding.

Ibis munching and marching

and colourful tropical Butterflies fluttering here

and there among the flowers...

a Blue faced Honeyeater, a remarkably large bird,
joined us for lunch...

and in the evening we hung around with a few
other old bats. There were two great colonies of these
large Fruit Bats, the bane of orchardists.

When darkness descended, the sky filled with tens
of thousands of screeching bats. The noise of their
wing beats and the stench they emanated were both
If you do not enlarge the others, please enlarge this
one although it is out of focus, it is more like the sea
than the sky!
When there is such a wealth of animal and plant life,
I find it hard to shoot buildings and views. If you still
bear with me, next week we will be at the Rockhampton
Botanical Gardens complete with Egret rookery.
To wander the world, click on the Logo at right.
To Klaus and the MY World Team, a big thank you!


  1. Oh my! I've never seen bats that large! And the Blue Faced Honey Eater is amazing. I'm so happy to read your blog for it introduces me to animals and birds and natural areas that I don't know here in the Adirondacks! Thank you!

  2. Oh, what a glorious place. Great shots.
    'Hung around with a few old bats'--hilarious!!! MB

  3. Oh how wonderful!! I have watched two movies about Australia the last two days. I found a channel that features Australia and I love it1

  4. Love the old bats!!
    That Ibis photograph is tremendous - such symmetry - beautiful.

  5. I enlarged all your photos and I think it's worth while doing this.They are great. So that's mistletoe? I didn't know that although I had seen it at Karien's I think. Thanks for sharing Queensland!

  6. Oh, Arija, these are all such fabulous shots! I love seeing the bats and the butterflies and the beautiful flowers! Thank you so much for sharing your very beautiful world!

  7. Wow, what a spectacular place to visit! So many amazing animals, and I love your photos of them. The Ibis marching are so neat looking. And that blue faced honey eater is beautiful! How fun to follow along your journey!

  8. Just a stunning series of photos! Great stuff. I'm sure the growers do hate the fruit bats, but, as bats go, they are pretty darn cute. Flying foxes, I've heard they call them! Hope you didn't end up with "bats in your belfry"!

  9. Those bats are so large, at first I thought they were monkeys. All of your pictures are gorgeous, but the blue faced honeyeater and waterlilies are my favorites.

  10. These are all amazing! But my particular favorites are the four ibis lined up - so perfect. And the swarms of bats in the sky. What a cool effect they make in the blurry, enlarged version of the photo.

    Thank you! I am now following your delightful blog!

  11. I'm glad I don't have to pick a favorite photo from this series, because it would be almost impossible. Great captures, one and all.

    Nebraska Birding

  12. Wow, those bats are amazing and kind of scary.
    I love the blue-faced bird and the colorful butterflies and all the interesting animals and plants.

  13. What beautiful season over there!! :D

    The bat shot is amusing! Looking forward for more butterflies!

  14. Fantastic photos, the last one with the bats is most impressive.

    Have a great week!
    Regina In Pictures

  15. Bats. Oh I am envious. What a lovely collection of nature's creatures.

  16. Hi Arija;Wonderful wildlife photos. I liked the one you deemed out of focus. It is like a painting and the out of focus aspect gives it the extras, it really depicts well the flurry of bats in search of their evening meal of fruit, blossoms and nectar. I really like this picture very much.May I save it for a screen saver?

  17. Arija,this post with the superb pictures is magnificent! I need to come back and visit again when I have more time. What a beautiful area with such varied ecology. It is a feast for the eyes!

  18. Wow, great nature shots.

  19. whoa, that is some road trip. i could just imagine the sound the bats made; that's like a scene out of the movie set.

  20. Beautiful scenes,especially the butterflies.

  21. Oh wow, this is great. How do you get the butterflys to hold still, an the bats. Thanks.

  22. Arija, these are all such beautiful sights. So glad you've taken us along on this journey. Here mistletoe is invasive and a killer. Look forward to more.

  23. Wow, I love the photos of the flower and the butterflies.

  24. What a fantastic sequence. I'd love to visit there. My problem with "my world" is that I want to go so many places. At least I get to "see" different parts of the world through wonderful photographs like yours.

  25. Amazing! I clicked to enlarge the last photo - it made me think of the Batman Begins film!

  26. Fabulous photos. Those butterflies are spectacular!

  27. What a wonderful series of photographs. I enlarged all of them and sat here amazed. Fantastic!

  28. That's a beautiful and unusual place! The butterflies area exquisite.

  29. Truly, you have photographed paradise.

  30. Whenever I see your shots I feel I wish I could get a shot like that. Beautiful all of them. I love your blog. :)

  31. Wonderful pictures ...

    I think the climate there is very close to Malaysia.

    Thanks for sharing :)

  32. You always have wonderful photos. Love the lilies!

  33. Great photos. Bats are a bit scary.

  34. Gorgeous photos, I was particularly taken with the four ibises.

  35. I love the egret pic. Yeppoon is such a beautiful place. You captured it very well.

  36. Beautiful wetlands and great capture of the birds. They were great enlarged!

  37. Just wonderful breathtaking picture. What do you do to get those clooseup's, are you sitting out there the whole day?

  38. Beautiful pics. You're right about enlarging, what a difference. The bats are amazing. Thanks for dropping by and for your nice comments.

  39. I wished I could hang around with these oold bats ! hahaha ! lovely pictures !

  40. All wonderful photos, what a beautiful area.

  41. What fascinating and beautiful wildlife! Love the Honeyeater, the name fits I think.

  42. Wow your photos are all so beautiful. The bats are a lovely sight. There are so many of them.

  43. Thanks for reminding me to enlarge the photos. It was well worth it. Beautiful pictures

  44. Arija, your images are always so beautiful they are next to surreal in my book! The honeybird with the blue details is just amazing. I'd be thrilled just to have seen one, even more capturing it so wonderfully!

  45. I just came back from the forests after a naturalist training camp and seeing your pics, I feel like heading right back..wonderful

  46. Thanks Arija...that was do well at the wildlife...well , as well as all the other photos you take too!
    I am enjoying photographing NYC while I am here with my daughter. great fun!
    I found great difficulty photographing some bats that slid silently across the sky in Toowoomba one night recently...there were just waves and waves of them...but they were so silent. During the morning up at the Japanese gardens is when I hear them screeching!
    But most of my photos of them that night are like yours...just wavy blurs! I just couldn't get over how silent they were!

  47. Oh the butterflies. I love the butterflies. They are my favorite. Even though I love the butterflies, I will say gorgeous photography through out the post. Thanks for sharing these wonderful images and allowing us to enjoy your views. Also thanks for stopping by my blog and for the nice comment.

  48. Beautiful! I love the butterflies! Thanks for sharing and visiting me!

  49. Very interesting - I've never seen mistletoe flowers and the water lillies are very beautiful. I especially like the photo of the flying bats.

  50. Wow! We're still frozen in My Muskoka...

  51. Your posts are always fantastic and full of wonderful photos. Each of your photos impresses me on its own way when ever I visit your blog, and I never know which one I would choose as the best or better.

  52. I think that is more bats than I would care to see at one time! All of your pictures are wonderful, but that first picture of the butterfly in fantastic! Thanks for taking us to this part of your world.

  53. I love the marching and munching shot! Very beautiful place. Those bats are amazing, way to capture that flight!
    Thanks for dropping by my frozen corner!

  54. Merci Arija pour ces belles images.
    A bientôt

  55. Oh my what a wonderful post. You really get to meet the most incredible critters and you take such good photos too. The last one really was quite amazing when enlarged. I'm enjoying this travel with you. I'd love to see some of those bats for real.

  56. All of these photos are so amazing! So much color. The bats are very cool.

  57. Beautiful photos. I would guess the egret is an intermediate, and not a cattle egret from how long it's neck looks.

  58. Wonderful pictures, a great post of natures beauties.

  59. Yes, yes! That was a mystery tour for me, so many animals I never see in my lide. Ibis, butterflies and of course those incredible bats! Lovely scary post.

  60. A Blue Faced Honeyeater. What a perfectly delightful name!!

  61. I love the photo of the marching ibis! Thanks for sharing

  62. Beautiful with variety of photo - insects and birds.

  63. Vow !!! what pictures ! Absolutely fantastic. Each one of them. A well deserved POTD. That's where I came from. Congatulations. !!

    I loved each photo that you posted, and am looking frwrd to your next post the Egret rookery.

  64. Truly awesome photos and delightful narrative.

    Congratulations on being honored by David as best "Post of the Day." You deserve it!



  65. I've wandered here from POTD and I've got to tell you is is thoroughly deserved. Well done.

    Did you paint the picture of the blue pot called 'memories of spring'?

  66. Absolutely worth the very long scroll down [wow! hope one day I get 70 comments] It is the first time I have ever seen mistletoe flowers, and they are lovely, looked rather like honeysuckle, and the final photo is extraordinary. What a country, and what a photographer...well worth your POTD from David, who isn't a bad guy with a shutter button himself.

  67. what a great series of photos and the commentary most excellent. enjoyed the ibis shot :)

    have a wonderful rest of the week

  68. Hello, I came over from David's blog. Congrats on the POTD Award! Lovely photos!

  69. Arija, this is an amazing post. I love the honey eater and that last photo with the bats is amazing! Yes, it does look like the sea or maybe your soul taking wing in the night? Good thing your camera didn't capture the smell though!

  70. I like the Honeyeater a lot. I have never seen one before. He must have a sweet appitite.

  71. Wow...what a wonderful bunch of photos! I love the blue waterlilies and the butterflies and the bats and the birds and.... It's all great! Terrific place!
