Friday, November 29, 2013

TODAY'S FLOWERS & I Heart Macro - Pink Rhododendrons

Aldgate, a village in the hills, has shops along one side of the 
main street, parking, cunningly concealed under massive tree,
 on the other as well as a bit of lawn and a picnic table 
and an almost vertical garden climbing up a steel slope.

A perfect setting for massed rhododendrons under the shelter
of the trees.
I found this pink one particularly charming

even in the difficult lighting of brilliant sun and part shade.

Such a nice place to stop with off-road shaded parking.

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  1. Rhododendrons are spectacular. Had wild ones growing in Oregon under the shade of the firs.

  2. It looks incredible Arija, and a lovely color. I do love those pinks. Thank you for sharing with Today's Flowers and wishing you a great weekend.

  3. Прекрасная весенная мечта!

  4. I do love Rhododendrons. My partner was in Nepal when all the hills around Kathmandu were blazing with them.

  5. It all looks a lot more pleasant than the Aldgate in London. Rhododendrons soon get out of control over here and have taken over whole hillsides in some parts of the country. Looks pretty but kills off everything else.

  6. Love the color!

  7. I love your macro of the blossoms!!! I wish I had to worry about finding parking in the shade - the temperature here is well below freezing this morning...

  8. A place of beauty. Thanks for sharing this.

  9. Oh, yes! I love the Rhododendrons, too!! Beautiful, colorful captures for the day, Arija! Hope you're enjoying a lovely weekend!!

  10. Wow are those pink blooms a welcome sight!!

  11. Interesting John's comment about rhododendrons in England taking over. His wonderful blog shows an environment so very different to the baked plains of Adelaide, where rhododendrons shrivel and give up, while as you say, they thrive in our hills areas.
    I was a nanny in Aldgate for a while thirty years ago. Loved living there. What you've talked about is very familiar. Wishing you a good week ahead Arija.

  12. Such pretty blossoms!

  13. Sorry I am so late Arija. I had a huge scare with 90 year old father-in-law last Monday and things got way out of order after that. The flowers are really lovely. I hope you have a wonderful week. I need some quiet time so I can touch base with you more~

  14. I love rhododendrons, they are so beautiful.

  15. It's great when businesses take time to improve their areas. I love rhodys. We had one like that in our Oregon yard (before we sold out)...of course not this time of year ... thanks for the beautiful picture and the memories.

  16. Gorgeous rhodys! I've always like them, but sadly they don't grow here in Interior Alaska.
