More birds from the Port Augusta
Arid Lands Botanical Garden
If you take the trouble to hike out in the blazing sun
to the bird hide on the hill
you will be rewarded by a nice breeze cooling you down
through the viewing slit
as well as sightings of some uncommon birds
female Zebra Finch
Zebra Finches are a common enough sight
near inland waterholes
here a female is playing leap-frog
over a male
for me however, this was the big thrill,
a tiny White-winged Fairy Wren
the female, above is much like that of the
Superb Blue Fairy-wren except for the lack of the red eye ring
but the male is a superior being of iridescent blue
with startling white wings
difficult to photograph with all the grasses hiding him
as both he and his little hen bathed
in a palm sized puddle
I was lucky enough to also capture an immature male,
obviously their offspring.
The fairy wrens are on my bucket list,
I have three colourful ones to my credit
with this lifer
but time is running short . . .
Linking with Stewart's