Saturday, November 29, 2008

TODAY'S FLOWERS ~ 7 ~ The Rose Gate

My garden is drooping and dieing
from lack of water. I dared not go out
to see the devastation, yet as we came
back from our usual evening walk to the
park and once around the fast disappearing
pond, I saw a mass of pink and lo, the back
gate was bathed in a glory of colour!

From the paddock the fence was awash with them.
It looked like the barrier of Sleeping Beauty's castle.

The mass of blooms was prodigious

I wanted to embrace them all

and but for the equally prodigious thorns,
would have done so.

For wond'rous blooms around the world, click
on the logo on the right.

My thanks to the brilliant organizers of this meme.


  1. Beautiful.This is a refreshing post as we don't have any flowers right now.

  2. Lovely roses. They are so beautiful arching over the gate. You would never know from this photo that the land was thirsty.

  3. Abolutely exquisite! Such beautiful colors! We could sure use a little of that color these days in Seattle! Thank you!

  4. What a joy to see that sight. Beautiful photographs.

  5. I love all these beautiful roses. Especially the pink buds.

  6. The flowers remind me of another time of year and bring to me a summer state of mind.

  7. Nice and colourful flowers. Special thank`s for your comment in my "Kuusela" ;-)

  8. Moi aussi, j'adore les fleurs, de toutes formes et de toutes les couleurs !

  9. Beautiful pictures of Australia. The make me want to return. I have a friend who lives in the Blue Mountains.

  10. beautiful indeed...amazing colours.....

  11. OMG, how gorgeous! Especially as it is a wet, brown, dreary day here in my part of the USA. ;)

  12. Those are beautiful roses! The color is lovely.

  13. Hi Arija, "Der spanische Rosenstock". What a wonderful sight and surprise. I do not think this rosebush could bear more flowers. It says:" take heart not all is lost." I hope that you get rain soon.

  14. What a gorgeous sea of flowers of a rose! If I understood right what's happening in your beautiful garden I'm sad for you, hope you get soon water...

  15. Very beautiful flower!


  16. I am sure you are very happy and grateful to see the wonderful roses. Enjoy and thank you for sharing the pictures.
    - Cheers.

  17. Beautiful selection. Thanks for visiting my blog. Sorry I don't know the name of the white rose from my garden.

  18. Your roses are magnificent, Aria!

    I have "The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society" here on my desk. I must start it now that the kids have all left and things are back to normal around here!

  19. what a lovely series of photos.

    Gill in Canada

  20. Abundance of flowers, very beautiful. I thank you for sharing.
    hugs, Denise

  21. I love how you lead us right up to that final bloom. Very creative presentation.

  22. Hallo,
    ich würde gerne unser Wasser mit dir teilen, aber leider sind die Arme zu kurz.
    Aber es ist wunderbar die leuchtenden Rosenfarben zu sehen.
    Dir eine schöne Adventzeit.
    Grüsse Hartmut

  23. This must be the most beautiful flower-shots I have seen. I wish I could be there;)

    Have fun and nice days in these advents-days:)

  24. Oh they are beautiful! My aunt used to have one that almost looked just like this. So pretty.

  25. Arija: these roses are breathtaking!
    As you saw my roses have now gone into hibernation..I felt blessed to have had a few in Novemeber to bring indoors and for my post!
    It was a ~tea rose~ with the most delicious scent that lasted 2 weeks indoors! Thank you for linking!
    Nice to meet you by way of Todays Flowers! hugs NG

  26. Arija: How wonderful that you got these great blooms from your roses.

  27. wow! what a beautiful set of roses, I love the color, so pretty...

  28. This so reminds me of my Grandma's house and the fence at her gate growing up. They were so wonderful.
    I love your second image of them against the sky - beautifully captured.

  29. Oh no..I am so sorry about your lack of rain Arija....I do love your new header photo. I think it's new, isn't it?

  30. Amazing. It does look like Sleeping Beauty's bower. Such beauty, what a gift for you!

  31. Shalom Arija. Wonderul rose gate.
    I enjoyed your comment to Maria today. Your Advent sounds so nice, even if now it comes in the height of summer. A blessed Advent season to you.

  32. Wow. That looks almost overwhelming. What great color and what great shots.

  33. What a joyful pink colour! They would look wonderful to see arching so bountifully! Great shots!

  34. Beautiful roses both in full blooms and in baby buds :)

  35. Gorgeous flowers! What a wonderful thing to welcome you!

  36. Super spectacular Arija.. you are a blessed soul to be surrounded by these breathtaking plants.. but I know they are there because of your hard and wise work and effort... such a success.. it must be hard to go inside.. the fragrance must be amazing...

  37. Arija,

    Your pictures are wonderful! And the colours...I love them!
    Thanks to share with us!


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