Click to enlarge.

Our country is in mourning.
Loss of life climbing towards 300 from the fires in Victoria.
Hospitals full of burns victims.
Queensland to the north ravaged by massive floods
and South Australia where we are, stricken
by drought.
5 empty dams, some bore water left for the minimal core
of our animals and rationed rainwater for our two households.
Another heat wave is approaching.
Everything is tinder dry, should a repeat performance of
Ash Wednesday 1983 occur when we had our turn, we have
no water reserves to protect ourselves.
Our hearts and prayers are with the Bush Fire victims in
Victoria and New South Wales and all those affected by the
loss of life in the Queensland flooods.
My heart goes out to your country as well. It amazes me that in this day and age, disasters such as this still occur so often. Beautiful photo, but very sad news.
ReplyDeleteSad indeed.
ReplyDeletePrayers from Jerusalem are added to yours.
Hope you are getting well after the hospital episode. Shalom to you.
I am in mourning for you and your fellow countrymen suffering through this Arija.. my daughter's ex-family just lost their homes in Kinglake... we finally heard last night... we had been worried if the fire would include them... and it did.. they have escaped with their lives but I don't know their condition...
ReplyDeleteis there any way to have another well drilled on your property or have more water trucked in for your family and animals?...
life has many difficult challenges on its platter...
Arija, It is truly a sad time for your country. I am sorry for the loss of lifes, devastating fires, floods and drought that have consumed your beautiful country. I will keep all in my thoughts and prayers. Please be well... blessings and a hug too, Pam
ReplyDeletehave been keeping watch of the news in Australia and have you in my prayers. I can't help but think there is something better to come on the horizon for us all.
ReplyDeleteArija, I've been following this on the news,... my heart goes out to all the communities and people affected by this horrible situation. I'm so frustrated that there is nothing I can do to help from this far away. If you can think of anything, please,.. please let me know.
ReplyDeleteI have thought often about all that it is happening and my heart goes out to all those affected by this catastrophy. I keep you all in my daily prayers. Such sad news. I hope it rains soon. Take cre of yourself, Arija. xox Isabel
ReplyDeleteYour dear country has been in my thoughts and prayers this week, Arija.
ReplyDeleteHope you are continuing to mend, dear friend.
It hurts me to see such devastation! and my heart goes out to all of you. It is amazing that this much devastation can happen in this day and age. You want to believe we are better prepared to handle such catastropes. Your photo is beautiful as always, but so sad!
ReplyDeleteMy heart and good thoughts are with you and your country during this time of great disaster. It's stunning to me how anyone could want to wage that kind of warfare on humanity. Evil is alive and well on the planet, sadly.
ReplyDeleteGorgeous sunrise. Hopefully the future will return to relative normal.
It's so sad.
ReplyDeleteHallo Arija, I am so happy to see that you are out of hospital! I do hope so very much that you are getting well soon! :)
ReplyDeleteWhat happens in Australia right now is really a bad disaster. What a difficulat situation, and so many people losing their lives.
I wish you all the best, pray for you as good as I can, and send you hugs and kisses, Maria
Is this you Arija or your daughter? I have been so concerned..please post an update on your health...Michelle
ReplyDeleteI feel so powerless and sad about all these terrible losses of human and animal lives. Your photo illustrates clearly how terrible the situation is. We can only pray for everybody who has lost a loved one. I mourn for you all.
ReplyDeleteWhen I heard the news I was very sad for this terrible devastation - people - animal-nature - the home --
ReplyDeletewith affection are close to your land that is part of our mother earth
amatamari - italy
That is too sad.I hope you are safe.
So very tragic! I've been following it on the news, and thinking of your country and the bloggers like yourself, that I've come to "know." Wishing you well, hope the healing can begin soon!
ReplyDeleteWe have watched in horror as this tragedy has unfolded. As your Prime Minister said,'There are no words'.I am so sorry for your country's loss.x
ReplyDeleteMany native Californians are veterans of fires, but even those in the Eucalyptus-heavy central coast region have never had to live through wildfires as voracious as these. An online friend from Melbourne has been describing the devastation all week, and it's just horrific.
ReplyDeleteIt's both ironic and sad that an element so vital to human existence and cultural development has the power to destroy us in a matter of seconds. Victoria is certainly on all our minds--even in north Texas.
Das tut mir so leid liebe Arija diese Feuerkatastrophe in Deinem Land. Ich sehe und lese es jeden Tag in den News und denke an all die vielen betroffenen Menschen bei Euch. Auch die Tiere und das Land leiden so. Möge ein wirklich hilfreicher Regen bald Erleichterung bringen, dafür bete ich und auch für alle Betroffenen, mögen sie Trost und Hilfe finden!
ReplyDeleteDir wünsche ich alles Gute zur Genesung.
Herzliche Grüsse
Arija, I am so pleased to hear you are at home, but devastated by the situation at your place (and I assume, many others in SA) regarding water...may the Lord send much needed rain soon!
ReplyDeleteHope your recovery goes well!
Prayers, Annie
It's good to hear from you again Arija and to see your skies there even if your world is in mourning. Be well and happy.
ReplyDeleteWe can only imagine the heartbreak you are experiencing. My prayers are with you and your countrymen in this tragedy. It is very sad.
ReplyDeleteSo glad you're home and on the road to recovery. Very sad about what's happening in your country. Prayers for all.
ReplyDeleteMy heart goes out to your and yours and our prayer circle holds you all in our prayers and hearts.
ReplyDeleteArija, I am so delighted to see you back again in your blog but sad indeed for the great tragedy still unfolding in your country. The mounting death toll is heartbreaking and for one whose family have lost two homes from fires in our city, I know exactly the terrible pain of losing everything but even more painful is the thought that so many people perished. I am especially sad for the children. This is an unforgivable act if it was caused by arson as mentioned in the news. Manking should not tolerate such evil acts.
ReplyDeleteprayers with you and yours..
ReplyDeleteSo sad to hear that. My prayers for all those suffering ones! May god smile upon them!
ReplyDeleteTake care, and get better soon! Hugs, Wil
ReplyDeleteMy prayers and thoughts are with you and everyone of your country!
ReplyDeleteVery beautiful photo but sad news!
Even here in South Africa everybody is talking about the Australian fires. Our thoughts and prayers are with your country in this time of need.
ReplyDeleteAlso thinking of and praying for those being afffected by the fires.
ReplyDeleteI pray for your country. My daughter is in Perth, but still I worry.
ReplyDeleteThis is just so sad.
I have been keeping Australia close in my thoughts and heart. It is so terrible what's been going on with the fires. Amazing how something as terrible as wildfire can be beautiful in a photograph.
ReplyDeleteWe all follow what is going on in your Country and are sad. I hope it wil end soon with no more victims. Your shot is just dramatic as post. Looking forward for good news from you.
ReplyDeleteDear Arija; welcome back home. It is a sad time for Australia. I hope the rain from here will move your way, and bring some much needed relief to everyone affected by this terrible draught.
ReplyDeleteOur thoughts and prayers from Canada are with our friends in Australia. Take good care of you and yours.
Regina In Pictures
we are all devastated by the news of the fires and the lives lost in them. That people are actually evil enough to start these fires is beyond my comprehension.
ReplyDeleteI hope for rain for you and your animals. I cannot imagine how you're coping with this.
The world is watching and mourning with you, Arija. All the best for you and yours!
ReplyDeleteMy heart goes out to your country. I will keep you all in my thoughts and prayers.
ReplyDeleteI'm so sorry for your countries loss. I have no words more than to say that you're in my thoughts!
ReplyDeletethis is a perfect image to go with the sad sentiments. we join you in prayers.
ReplyDeleteArija, I am glad you are up and about and hopefully your recovery will be swift. Thank you for your post because I can't even talk about what happened last weekend because of the enormity of it all.You have a way with words so thank you.
ReplyDeleteI mourn with you.
ReplyDeleteA tight embrace from V.,
We cannot comprehend your countries loss but we can send payers. thoughts, and financial help. Terrible loss.
ReplyDeleteThe world is grieving along with Australia - the loss of life and homes, even towns, is just so devastating. The photo seems so poignant with a patch of blue and a patch of orange.
ReplyDeleteI hope the fires are stopped soon!
ReplyDeleteA touching photo of the sunrise, along with your commentary about the disasters. What a terrible time this has been for your country. I'm so sorry to hear of all the loss and devastation.
ReplyDeleteI hope you and yours remain safe and well.
Arija I am so saddened to hear the devastation in your country..I'm praying for all..may healing begin soon for everyone including nature.
ReplyDeleteYou take care of yourself..gentle hugs to you xo
I am so terribly sorry for all of you. The picture is beautiful.
ReplyDeleteYou have so bad times there now, I'm really sorry for it and hope it chances soon! Beautiful pic which looks sorrow now, it could really be fire from earth, not sun...
ReplyDeleteIt's a great picture, Arija.
ReplyDeleteBut what's happeing in your country is really awful. We've seen horrible images of it on Dutch tv.
I wish you and your countrymen all the best.
A lovely and haunting picture. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
ReplyDeleteI hope all will be well soon!
- celine
Arija, I am glad to know you are on the mend. It is heart breaking to watch the devastation. You know all too well what it is like. There is little to be said other than you and your fellow countrymen are in my thoughts.
ReplyDeleteDas sind keine guten Nachrichten, es gibt an vielen Orten auf dieser Welt Not und Verzweifelung. Viele Dinge könnte man ändern, aber gegen Feuer und Wasser sind die Menschen machtlos. Ich hoffe und bete für alle die in deinem Land der Gefahr ausgesetzt sind.
ReplyDeleteDir wünsche ich, dass es wieder aufwärts geht.
Ich habe auch weinig Zeit die Blog-Freunde zu besuchen, meine liebe Frau wird die nächsten drei Wochen im Krankhaus verbringen müssen.
Liebe Grüsse
und alles gute für dich und
deine Familie
Firstly let me express my deep and utter condolences for the situation that your country is in. It has been such heart breaking news of so many people and wildlife becoming victim to those horrific fires. I pray for heavy rains to fill your water reserves and for an end to these disastrous fires.
ReplyDeleteAlso like to send my heartfelt wishes for your speedy recovery.
I'm amazed that you have the strength to still participate with such a lovely image. If only those black clouds could have brought you releaf.
Jedes Mal wenn ich die Nachrichten höre oder lese, denke ich nun an die australischen Blogger und überlege, ob Ihr wohl in der Nähe lebt.
ReplyDeleteEin wunderschönes Foto, aber leider sehr traurige News.
Arija, I wanted to stop by and wish you a Happy Valenitne Day.. and send you a hug and best wishes for your continued recovery! You are in my prayers..
ReplyDeleteNo reply needed, just be well, be happy, Pam
Hi Arila,
ReplyDeleteI was out of town for a while and w/o internet connection so am lagging behind on visits and comments. It has been so sad to hear about your country's losses. I hope balance is restored soon.
I hope you are resting and mending as well, and that each day gets easier. Warmest wishes.
adding my prayers for your country
ReplyDeletemay the nightmare end soon
It has been a terrible week.
ReplyDeleteMother Nature can indeed be a cruel mistress and we mess with her at our peril. I have been following the news from Australia with horror! And to think that some of it was done deliberately is just so shocking - just confirms by personal opinion that humans are not a nice species! Please take care and stay safe.