A good season, eight years ago, the pond (dam) in the park
is full to the brim and overflowing to feed our winter creek.

Same pond six years later, dry as a bone. No habitat for
waterbirds to breed and certainly no swimming hole for our
visiting grandchildren.

This is from last year with a pair of wood ducks hoping for a
sufficient food source to raise a family on.
At present, and we are in our rainy season, there is even less
water in it. It looks like we are heading for another green drought
when there is enough rain to green up the pastures but no run
off or deep watering to ensure the health of trees. We are already
in our eigth year of drought and a number of deep wells have dried
up. . .the times they are a changin'.

All photos enlargee for more detail.
Thanks to 2sweetnsaxy we can show off some water if we have it.