Last week was rainy to overcast but no matter, I felt the call
of the wild so on with my Wellingtons . . . for those of you
unacquainted with these handy devices, a brief explanation:
The Iron Duke (Wellington) seemed always to fight his major
battles in wet, very wet, weather which. needless to say with
so many soldiers, cavalry, cannon drays and the like, created a deal
of mud. When the trusty rubber boots were invented they
naturally were named in honour of his Lordship, the hero of

My feet now safe in my Wellies, My camera tucked under my
jacket, I ventitured forth across the paddock to the park. For
many reasons I had not been there all winter and now was
already mid-spring.
Above the bearded flowers of maples, below, the sunny gold
of my favourite Wattle,
Acacia saligna, bright even on a grey

Resilient nature way paying tribute to the first really soaking
rains since 1997, everything looked bright eyed and bushy tailed.
I have seldom seen such a prolific flowering on the
Banksia,really quite a sight with its candles all alight.

You may not think it but this cascade of gold hides a path . . .
Either wade in the dam or play Tarzan and break through
the jungle. Fearing to drown my camera in the former mode
of progress, I opted for the latter

and safely made it through to the other side. Looking back,
my passage was once more blocked as though I had never been.

As you see below, the dam/swimming hole is fuller than full.
The overflow is running nicely thank you and it will again be
possible to dive in and cool off in the summertime, snakes
and all!

The Logo is a peep-hole into other people's lives and surroundings.
Thanks to our ever industrious MY WORLD Team we can once
again link hand across the oceans.