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Just something a little different this time.
Sometimes I get a great longing for the sea and my
husband indulges me by driving for two days to take
me to a rugged enough coast for my liking. Sometimes,
he hires a small plane, this Piper Arrow for instance
and flies me there instead.
We flew to Streaky Bay, on the west coast of the
Eyre Peninsula, situated on the Great Australian
Bight open to the Southern Ocean.
Here we are at Streaky Bay International Airport,
please note the splendid arrivals hall, restaurants,
shopping mall and other splendid facilities. The
air-conditioning is perfect and guaranteed to function
all year round.

The beaches, although extensive, and this was
but one of many, are a little crowded. After all,
there were four of us there.

A gentle, protected bay with crystal clear water
ideal for observing marine creatures or just
splashing about in.

On one side of the jetty in Streaky Bay is this
Shark exclosure to create a safe water playground
for the townspeople and visitors.
One evening when all other stalwarts had given up
fishing, I was alone there just enjoying the sea and
being, when one by one a pod of dolphins materialised
in the growing darkness. Kneeling at the edge of the
jetty I whistled some Mozart and they responded by
frolicking arond me until it became too dark to see.
That for me was awe inspiring.

Some 20 miles down the coast near a rocky shore
some large seals were lolling about. Two bulls
thought about creating a disturbance, but thought
better of it and amicably settled down to rest.

Where the coast is open to the Ocean, which is one
of the more turbulent waters in the word and only
recommended for those with cast iron stomachs, I
find greatest joy.

The sough of th sea gathering it's forces,

to rush once more upon the land. With flying
manes the white sea horses charge

to dash themselves upon the rocky shore.
It is inadvisable to stand too close.
My thanks to the SkyWatch / My World team for
their stirling efforts on our behalf.
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