Rain clouds banking over Wirrealpa Station in the North of
South Australia, a place I dearly love.

After the deluge, the sun comes out and the deep red of the soil
quickly turns back to a light pinky sand, yet suddenly the grey
green of plants stands out more.
Within days, there are flowers, however small in the gullies.
Most desert flowers are small, even tiny, yet always a wonder
to see.
These little darling morning glories are less than half an
inch across,
as are these against the still wet sand.
Somewhere I have the name of this very prickly plant, one of
the few with a flower almost 3" across.
Suddenly you see a patch of bright red and stand in awe at the
wonder of Sturt's Desert Pea.
The first one gives you the kind of thrill a first flurry of snow
sends through your being, then suddenly, you are surrounded
by them
and the wonder leaves you speechless . . .
OUR WORLD is full of wonders, add your own and visit others
from all over Our beautiful World.