On this special day for me, when I reach my first
three quarter century, I went around the garden
and park to show you the wonders mother nature
has blessed me with on this one day. This is but a
selection of all that is flowering at the moment.
My shade-house full of scented and other orchids
is not even touched upon here.
The wisteria along the house is in full bloom.

On first waking very early, this Adelaide Rosella was nipping
off the new shoots of my rose bushes.
I went to the farmers' market and on my way back, saw this
amazing tree peony. The elderly gentleman kindly invited me
into his garden to photograph it and insisted on presenting me
with a bloom for my birthday!
With these few hardy tulips, I would like to thank all those of
you who so kindly prayed for us, sent kind thought and light.
Your intervention on our behalf has already paid dividends as
the prognosis for my wonderful sister has changed from an
impossibly frightening one, to a more hopefully operable
contained brain tumour close to the scull.
The operation is scheduled for Monday so please if you can,
continue with your support a little longer.
Below is my birthday tree that never fails to have at least a
few blossoms on the day. This year it is in full flight and a joy
to behold
I thought with all the turmoil in the family my birthday would
pass unnoticed but to my great surprise, suddenly last night
my son, daughter-in-love and youngest granddaughter
materialised on our doorstep!
Above, a close up of my birthday tree and below a mountain
of gold . . . am I rich or what??
Everyone should have a daisy a day . . .
Heading into the park, I was greeted by Sam who excitedly ran
towards me faster than I could get his tail into my sights.
The Judas tree is full of pretty pink buds,
This ash that I cannot remember off hand has bright pink flower
like leaves.
the Choke CHerry, Prunus padus, takes me back to my Latvian
childhood with it's wonderfully heady scent.
The Banksia is covered in golden birthday candles just for me
and even the young oak that I grew from an acorn is flowering
for the first time
and lucky last, these deep pink blossoms on my red-leafed
And that is not the half of all that is in bloom at the moment.
I wish each and every one of you a happy day!
Just click on the Logo and fall into a wealth of flower and show
your own as well.