This is for all you birders, a few fledgelings
from this summer just ended...

...showing off, or hangin on for dear life...
in Australia we have an old expression: 'ya silly Galah'
it is dual purpose, it can be used lovingly as when
someone gives you an unexpected present just because,
as in 'ya shoodna done that , ya silly Galah!' or con-
versely yelled loud and clear across an intersection when
someone pulls out in front of you. It is also handy
when someone is over dressed to liken them to the
proverbial Galah.
When young they are ungainly and quite silly, but
there is nothing to compare with a large flock of a
few hundred veering across a late afternoon sky, one
moment a sunset cloud of red, the next a gleaming
pearly grey, that keeps you spellbound just watching
the shifting colours against our deep blue skies.
For a complete change, a Crested Pigeon. They are
in the habit of camping in the middle of dirt roads at
night and taking off at the approach of people or
vehicles with loud whirring wing beats.