Hot, steaming summer night, sleep, that elusive rogue has fled.
I toss and turn, defeated I follow reluctantly into the moonlight
drenching the liquid air with gold.
The night so still, watched over by enchantress moon holds
promise yet of mystery and wonder. Gentle rustling in the bushes,
a possum intent on feasting on my rosebuds.
I listen rapt, waiting for I know not what when in the park a
solitary note, yet unmistakable, breaks forth.
It holds me rooted to the spot, not breathing lest it hide away its
fellows ... when there it is again, now stronger as with cadence sweet
she breaks into her lilting warble - a Nightingale as I live and
Perhaps my guardian angel sent me out to hear this wonder of the
night. The world asleep and only i priviledged to hear once more
what I had given up as lost forever. My hungry soul laps up each
as it rises and falls. No sleep for me this night, the unexpected joy
is far too great.

Nightingales are imported birds known to exist in Melbourne, some
500 miles away across dry and burningly hot country. In South
Australia, the driest State in the driest Continent, they have been
unknown until this night unless it was a phantom singing solely for
my delectation.
To you all my dear Bloggy friends I wish a wonderfully healthy and
successful New Year! See you next year!
With thanks to Michelle of Rambling Woods for Nature Notes,
and our wonderful SkyWatch Team.
Both memes can be accessed by clicking on the relevant Logo.