Monday, September 22, 2008

Travelogue: - Being There, Part 1, BIRDS

Our first day at Currawong Beach was wet

See Intermezzo, a few posts down.

Spurwing plover, Vanellus novaehollandiae
is an early riser, as dawn breaks he is already
a busy bird.
The combination of hand held camera and
minimal light does nothing for photo quality.

Little pied Cormorant, Phalacrocorax melanuleocos
Another early riser, drying off just as the sun is rising.

Grey butcherbird, Cracticus torquatus
feasting on bacon rind

Little raven, Corvus mellori Trying to muscle
in on the BBQ breakfast

Only to be sent packing by the butcherbir returning
for a helping of scrambled eggs

Noisy miner, Manorina flavigula is never backward
in coming forward where food is concerned.

He doesn't try to muscle in, just pick pockets here and
there and gets his share none the less.

Rainbow lorikeet, Trichoglossus moluccanus
another early bird, feeding well before sunrise
and any other time of day.

For breakfast it's nectar from Erithrina x sykesii

A Blue-winged kookaburra, Dacelo leachii too late

for bacon rinds, whistfully surveys the the scene.

Black-backed magpie, Gymnorhina tibicen,
happy with crumbs from the royal feast

and lucky last, a Brush turkey, Alectura lethami
cleans up after every one has finished


  1. What a great series of birds to enliven the breakfast table! Unfortunately the plovers don't wait for daylight around here. They are noisy all through the night if they get disturbed.

  2. How utterly amazing. I love birds but ours are so dull by comparison. In Australia we saw some beautiful ones. You photos are wonderful.

  3. Hallo Arija, thanks for visiting!
    What a nice series of birds, and the nice story around them!
    I love the raven best, he really looks a little dangerous! Uhhh!
    In Austria we don't have coloured birds. Except in the zoo...

  4. Wow! These birds are beautiful and so different from what I see out my window everyday! I would not like to be on the receiving end of that raven's stare!

  5. So beautiful series of color birds.
    Thanks for share them.

  6. Hi Arija, thanks for stopping by...What beautiful photographs & words, it's been a delight to visit here....Hugs Chrissy x

  7. What an exotic array of birds to pay you a visit! We don't see any of those varieties around these parts. Wonderful photos, Arija!!

  8. Interesting birds on your side of the planet. Thanks for coming by Pappy's Balderdash and leaving comment. Come back anytime. Pappy

  9. I love seeing the birds from another different, yet everyone is looking for a free meal..

  10. I love birds! You have some beautiful ones visiting you! I'll have to try scrambled eggs and see if I get some new ones! ;)

  11. Hello!
    Thanks so much for visiting, and for introducing me to your very beautiful blog. I can't get enough of these lovely photographs: you have a great eye, and beautiful subjects, too! I'll be back again and again.

  12. Thanks for stopping by with your kind words for P.T.

    I see you are also a lover of the garden.

    Beautiful photography!

  13. Oh I love birds!!! your photographs are so beautiful and so colorful.. they are little feathered treasures aren't they!!! so entertaining!! Too Hard for me to pick a favourite though.

    We were watching a flock of Eastern Bluebirds tonight as we ate our supper.. there was one little bossy one that wanted to hog all the food.. Even birds don't always get along.. how is there ever hope for all us human beings?

  14. Great bird photos! Such variety and so different from what we see here in the States. I love your blog--such wonderful photographs!

  15. Your images are so overwhelmingly beautiful, they make me want to put down my own camera. You have captured anything worthwhile already.

  16. Gorgeous birds! Visiting from the other side of the world, I'm enchanted by this line up. Thanks!

  17. What an amazing series of shots! I think they're awesome! What a treat to see and capture so many beautiful birds. It must have been wonderful to have the one come and share in your scrambled eggs! :-)

  18. You have some nice pictures of pretty birds.


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