Monday, December 24, 2012

OUR WORLD - A Season of Giving

Ephemeral as a rainbow held in the hand

LOVE comes into it's own at this season of the year,
seeping gently into hearts like candle light

it is not the baubles on the Christmas tree,
nor the presents under it

it is the spirit of giving and sharing,
of caring for the orphans,
sharing our meal with the homeless or lonely,

of holding those in need in the warm embrace of our homes.

You cannot buy love, nor steal it, take it by force or keep it in a safe
deposit box.

It is only there for us to GIVE.

The more we give the further it goes, a well that never runs dry 
as long as we keep giving.



  1. Thank you Arija. Your words speak to my soul. Having just watched "It's a Wonderful Life" I am humbled now twice.

    Peace be with your dear one. Merry Christmas to you and all who you love.

  2. A beautiful message to us all!

  3. Wishing you and your family a Blessed Christmas.

  4. Thank you, Arija, fpr these beautiful thoughts and images!

    May your Christmas be filled with love and joy,

  5. Oh, how true. Thank you, Arija, for sharing your wonderful view of the world with us. That's a perfect gift for all. Merry Christmas to you.

  6. really beautiful, arija. thank you.

  7. Hi my friend :)
    from our home to yours, we wish you all a very Merry Christmas !
    by Myriam ♡

  8. Absolutely perfect...your words from the heart. Merry Christmas blessings dear Arija. I hope that life gives you many wonderful blessing from doing for others, this season and beyond~

  9. lovely post. And I love that rainbow in a hand. :)

    Happy christmas and a Happy New Year.

  10. Merry Christmas Arija! I hope Love is surrounding you in Australia!

  11. Yes it is...a beautiful post..Merry Christmas.. hugs..Michelle

  12. Such a beautifully expressed and TRUE post. Thank you so much. I hope that 2013 ia muxh, muxh kinder to you than this year has been.


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