Shearing can be backbreaking work but when there is a brake
in the run, young people manage to have fun anyway.

Do click on the Logo and check out HEY HARRIET and join in the fun.
The Earth is my mother, the World my home, where e're I go delights await me.
oh that's too cute!!!
ReplyDeleteSomeone is about to get caught by something! Run! Run! Run!
A shadow, a shadow, a shadow you say?
A shadow is coming to dinner today?
Oh, what shall we feed it, and what will it eat?
Just toss down a few rays of light at its feet,
And watch its dark mouth gobble up every ray,
But be sure, my friend, you don’t get in its way;
Keep out of the light so it won’t gobble you.
(If I were the hostess, that’s just what I’d do.)
A shadow is easy to feed, so they say,
So welcome your shadow to dinner today.
© 2011 by Magical Mystical Teacher
Shadows here and there
What a fun filled shadow shot. This put a smile on my face. Very clever. genie
ReplyDeleteSo fun.
You put a smile on a lot of our faces, Arija! Just the smile I needed to start my day! Hope your weekend is going well! Enjoy!
Hahahahah! This is great. I love it! Wishing you a great weekend.
ReplyDeleteThe shadows could spook those beings yet to be sheared, a scary view of outstretched hands that have a scary pose for the sheep...
ReplyDeleteBut human playtime is what is really happening here. The workers can relax in shadowy fun. Which they do with relish!
at first glance I read "a moment in truth". a second take allowed my eyes to reconcile the photo to the words. great playful capture. I really like this! Happy SSS.
ReplyDeleteThese shadows made me laugh out loud! Thanks, Arija! :)
ReplyDeleteGreat shadow shot, well done.
ReplyDeleteSveika, Ārija!
ReplyDeleteCik interesanta ēnu spēle!
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Šodien beidzot karstums ir samazinājies, jo vakar bija pērkona negaiss un mainījās laika apstākļi. Šobrīd ir laimīgie +20 grādi. Var uzelpot un baudīt vasaru.
Un vēl - ļoti neparasta situācija - neskatoties uz to, ka ilgu laiku bija ļoti karsts, ūdens tempratūra Rīgas jūrmalā bija tikai +3 grādi ledaini auksts.