Im the desert country it can rain all night playing music on
the tin roof but after an hour or two, all that is left of the
downpour is a puddle on the road.

The sandy ground is already drying off and paling in colour.
My Nemesis, after another night of rain, I came a cropper at
this inconspicuous little sheet of water. It had gathered in a
roadside ditch I needed to cross to the patch of
Sturt Desert Peas on the other side. The water was too deep to my being
willing to immerse my leather shoes in, too wide to jump, hmm
what now? No wood handy to bridge it, aha!, a sizeable rock
half submerged in the sticky mud, that will have to do. After
some juggling of camera and yanking at rock, I had my prize
without being plastered in mud. A judicious throw near the
other side where the water was shallower and within my range.
The result was not perfect but the way around the water seemed
worse. The bank on the other side looked firm enough, I gathered
my forces, put my best foot forward and leapt . . . I had intended
to barely touch the stone when, with a sucking sound the rock
sank. Pitching forward, yours truly slammed into the muddy bank
on hands and knees. When I extricated myself from this sticky
situation and shakily surveyed the damage, it seemed not too bad.
The camera had survived almost unscathed and I? Well I did look
like the monster from the deep, jacket, trousers and gloved hand
liberally caked with mud, both shoes full of water but no less
determined to go after my photographic quarry than before. I
slipped and slid up the bank, crossed the road and walking on a
couple of pounds of mud stuck to my shoes soon discovered the
flat earth I was behaving more like a mixture of an ice rink and
quicksand and pulling my feet away from under me.
I saw our trusty red UTE come my way and by ESP my darling
daughter to my rescue.
I seemed to be all in one piece. Only later at dinner the swellings
and bruises started to appear. In the heat of the moment I had not
noticed a couple of rocks on the bank, that added to very thin
blood due to medication did the rest. Weighing up options: driving
to the nearest hospital (a few hundred miles away), not an option
with flooded creeks. The airstrip too soft for the flying doctor to
land and the helicopter had left before the storm broke. Ah well,
had to rely on self help again and here I am to tell the tale.
Go swim the sea or submerge in a puddle but visit 2sweetnsaxy
and join in this very wet meme. Just click on the Logo.